A letter from Eleanor of Provence (03/16/1260)
Eleanor of ProvenceReceiver
Louis IXTranslated letter:
Acknowledgment of the receipt from Louis, king of France, of 12,500 pounds of Tours in money by tale, to be deducted from the sum due from him for the cost of knights according to the form of the peace; and promise to expend the said money or a like sum in the service of God and the church, and to the advantage of the realm of England, as the king is bound by the said peace. The king of France has like letters patent of the queen [of England] sealed with the queen's seal.Historical context:
This entry in the Patent Rolls records a payment by the king of France in accordance with a peace agreement between France and England. It also mentions letters patent from the queen to the same effect. It is a summary in English. After the first two volumes of the Patent Rolls published in Latin, the editors shifted to English translations, explaining that the "language tends gradually to become more formal and verbose."Printed source:
Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Henry III, 5 (1258-66), 123.