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A letter from Eleanor of Provence (1263)


Eleanor of Provence


Alphonse of Poitiers

Translated letter:

E[leanor], by the grace of God queen of England, lady of Ireland and duchess of Aquitaine, to the noble man lord A[lphonse], count of Poitiers, greetings and a will prompt to do your pleasure with honor. Expecting you to have been distressed and to have grieved with very bitter spirit for the troubles that have beset our lord king, us, and E[dward], our firstborn, from certain people in the kingdom of England, we give you what thanks we know and can for that, and ask you from the depths of the heart that as you ponder those troubles with a heavy spirit, you share your help with us for the impending revenge on them, by sending, if it please you, your ships and galleys, as that dearest lady, our sister the illustrious queen of the French, disposes, according to what she asks you. We indeed wish to be held by you perpetually to richer actions of thanks and we wish to learn swiftly that your state is prosperous and happy and also to be informed of your will, for we will be ready to carry it out with the strength that yields to your profit and honor. Be well always in the Lord. Dated [Witsamum/Westminster?], 15th of October, in the 47th year of the reign of lord H[enry].

Original letter:

A., Dei gracia regina Anglie, domina Hybernie et ducissa Aquitanie, nobili viro domino A., comiti Pictavie, salutem et cum honore promptam ad beneplacita voluntatem. Attendentes vos moleste gessisse et animo nimis amaro planxisse illata domino nostro regi, nobisque et E., primogenito nostro, per quosdam regni Anglie gravamina, grates quas scimus et possumus vobis exinde referimus, vos ex intimo cordis deprecantes quatinus, gravamina illa animi gravitate ponderantes, juvamen vestrum ad vindictam super his impendendam nobis communicare velitis, naves et galeas vestras, si placet, transmittendo, quomodo karissima domina et soror nostra regina Francorum illustris disposuerit, secundum quod ipsa vos requirit. Nos quidem vobis obinde teneri volumus nostro perpetuo (sic) ad uberiores graciarum actiones, [et] beneplacitum vestrum una cum statu vestro, prospero utinam et jocundo, nobis petimus crebrius intimari, parate enim erimus ad ea exequenda pro viribus que vobis cedent in commodum et honorem. Valete semper in Domino. Datum apud Witsamum, xv die octobris, anno regni H. domini nostri XLVII°.

Historical context:

In this letter, Eleanor asks Alphonse of Poitiers (brother of king Louis of France) for ships. Her sister, the queen of France, was also writing to Alphonse to gain his help, see Margaret of Provence, ep.2017 (Epistolae 511.html) For Alphonse's answer to Eleanor, see ep.2021 (Epistolae 698.html).

Printed source:

Correspondance Administrative d'Alfonse de Poitiers, ed. Auguste Molinier (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1894), Collection de Documents inédits sur l'Histoire de France, 2.544, ep.2020
