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A letter from Adam Marsh (?)


Adam Marsh


Eleanor of Provence

Translated letter:

To the most excellent lady, E[leanor], by the grace of God queen of England, lady of Ireland, duchess of Normandy, Aquitaine, countess of Anjou, Brother Adam [sends] greetings, gracious tranquillity in time and glorious happiness in eternity. Since the inclination of piety more fully provokes to address the liberal magnificence of a very large heart than the height of majesty holds back from addressing, whatever modesty of your devoted [people] takes recourse confidently to your clemency in the necessary articles of salutary causes. In the same way, I humbly ask the placid serenity of your sublimity, begging assiduously that for lord William of Hampton(1) whom heavenly desire of divine inspiration fragrantly enflames from the customary benevolence of your most illustrious dignity, you might with special intervention either of letter or voice lead to strive for contemplation of the Saviour, that honorable man lord Robert of Manneby(2), worthy master of the Brothers of the Hospital of Jerusalem in England, so that the mentioned lord William, may be received with agreeable observance in sacred religion of the said brothers, not violating evangelical sanctions or traditional canons in all things, without loss of further delay. If it please [you] to agree to direct the soliciting over that business for that same W[illiam], that same lord R[obert], you would gain as much very willing thanks from the one seeking present devotion of religious petition, as there may be at another time more benign eternal retribution to your worthiness. May the omnipotent King of heaven through the intervention of the queen of angels(3) keep the lord king, keep your sublimity, keep the renowned heirs of your kingdom. Amen. Lady, if you wish to speak earnestly with the countess of Leicester at the feast of the resurrection about the salvation of souls as much as is in you, keep blessedly in mind: I hope in the grace of the blessed son of God who by the power of his glorious resurrection will give counsel to the glory of his name, who can lead you to the way of everlasting salvation. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Original letter:

Excellentissimae Dominae A., Dei gratia reginae Angliae, dominae Hyberniae, ducissae Normanniae, Aquitaniae, et comitissae Andegaviae, Frater Ada salutem, tranqullitatem in tempore gratiosam, et gloriosam in aeternitate felicitatem. Cum apud liberalem cordis latissimi magnificentiam amplius pietatis inclinatio provocet ad interpellandum, quam ab interpellando revocet celsitudo majestatis, in necessariis salutarium causarum articulis ad clementiam vestram confidenter recurrit devotorum vestrorum qualiscunque modicitas. Proinde placidam sublimitatis vestrae serenitatem humiliter rogo, supplicans attentius quatenus pro domino Willielmo de Hampton, quem inspirationis divinae coeleste desiderium flagrantius accendit, de consueta clarissimae dignitatis benevolentia apud honorabilem virum dominum Robertum de Manneby, magistrum Fratrum Hospitalis Jerosolymitanis in Anglia, speciali vel litterae vel vocis interventione dignum ducatis, ob Salvatoris contemplationem satagere, ut memoratus dominus Willielmus in sacram praefatorum fratrum religionem, intemeratis per omnia tam evangelicis sanctionibus quam traditionibus canonicis, sine ulterioris morae dispendio, sub salubri recipi valeat observantia; tanto, si placet, praesentem religiosae petitionis devotionem propensiori prosequentes gratia, quanto benignius alias sit vestrae dignationi sempiterna retributio, pro eodem W., eidem domino R., super eodem negotio petitoriam dirigere consensistis. Conservet dominum regem, conservet vestram sublimitatem, conservet inclytos regni vestri haeredes, omnipotens Rex coelorum per interventum Reginae Angelorum. Amen. Dame, si ws a la feste de ceste resurrectiun voilez treiter oueke la contesse de Leycestre ententiuement de la saluatiun des almes as queles tant cun en vos est, ws auez si benettement presente: Je espeir en la grace le beneit Fiz Deu ke il par la vertu de sa gloriuse resurrectiun i mettra conseil a la glorie de sun num, ke mener ws pusse a la veie de salu pardurable. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Historical context:

Adam, a Franciscan and one of Eleanor's advisers, asks the queen to help get William of Hampton into the Hospital of St. John. And in a concluding paragraph in French, he suggests a meeting between her and Eleanor, Countess of Leicester to discuss spiritual matters. Adam was also a friend of the countess's husband, Simon de Montfort.

Scholarly notes:

(1) Brewer(ed.) notes that according to Dugdale the Templars and Hospitallers in 1245 were admitting a number of laymen into their Society for succour of the Holy Land. (2) Brewer's note: "Among the Royal letters in the Record Office is one from this Robert Manneby, Prior of the Hospital of St. John, to Nicholas, Archdeacon of Ely. No. 150." (3) It is likely that Adam intends a compliment to the queen of the English (Anglorum) in this mention of the Virgin as queen of the angels (Angelorum).

Printed source:

Adae de Marisco Epistolae, ed. J.S. Brewer (London: Longman et al, 1858), RBMAS, CM, Monumenta Franciscana II, ep.153, p.289-90

