A letter from Hernaud de Niole (1249)
Hernaud de NioleReceiver
Blanche of Castile, queen of FranceTranslated letter:
Hernaud de Nioliis certifies that he has received “from the most illustrious lady B[lanche], queen of the French ... through the hand of Stephen of Montfort, treasurer of Pontoise, clerk of that lady queen, in the Hospital at Paris, 1080 Tours pounds, in ready money, in which ...” “the illustrious lady M[arie] empress of Constantinople and her brother John were bound” to him “for a loan.” “In witness of which I have had the present letters confirmed by my seal. Dated in the year of the lord 1249, in the month of May.”Original letter:
Hernaudus de Nioliis recognoscit se recepisse "ab illustrissima domina B[lanca], Francorum regina ..., per manum Stephani de Monteforti, thesaurarii Pontisarensis, ejusdem domine Regine clerici, in domo hospitalis Parisiensis, mille octoginta libras Turonensium, in peccunia numerata, in quibus ..." sibi "tenebantur ex causa mutui illustris domina M[aria] imperatrix Constantinopolitana et Johannes frater ipsius." "In cujus rei testimonium, presentes litteras sigilli mei munimine duxi roborandas. Data anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo quadragensimo nono, mense maio."Historical context:
This is a receipt for money Blanche paid to one of the creditors of her grandniece Marie, empress of Constantinople.Printed source:
Teulet, Layettes, 3 #3772.