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A letter from Henry III, king of England (1250)


Henry III, king of England


Blanche of Castile, queen of France

Translated letter:

Henry, by the grace of God king of England, lord of Ireland, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, and count of Anjou, to Blanche, by the same grace illustrious queen of France, his beloved cousin, greetings and affection of sincere love. You should know that we have given full power to the venerable father Philip, bishop elect of Lyons, and to our beloved and faithful Richard, count of Cornwall, our brother, and Peter of Savoy, to extend the truce between lord Louis, illustrious king of France, your son, and us up to sixteen years, or to a further term as seems useful. We will be held bound and grateful for whatever they accomplish in this. In witness of which thing, we have had our letters patent made. With myself as witness. At Westminster, 8th day of March, in the 34th year of our reign.

Original letter:

Henricus, Dei gratia rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, dux Normannie, Aquitanie, et comes Andegavensis, Blanche, eadem gratia regine Francie illustri, dilecte consanguinee sue, salutem et sincere dilectionis affectum. Sciatis quod venerabili patri Philippo, Lugdunensi electo, et dilectis et fidelibus nostris Ricardo, comiti Cornubie, fratri nostro, et Petro de Sabaudia, plenam dedimus potestatem ad prorogandum treugam inter dominum Ludovicum, illustrem regem Francie, filium vestrum, et nos usque ad terminum sexdecim annorum, vel usque ad ulteriorem terminum, secundum quod viderint expedire; ratum habituri et gratum quicquid ipsi super hoc duxerint faciendum. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus patentes. Teste me ipso. Apud Westmonasterium, VIIIo die marcii, anno regni nostri XXXmo quarto.

Historical context:

The king announces to his cousin the extension of a truce between himself and her son.

Printed source:

Royal and other Historical letters illustrative of the Reign of Henry III, ed. W.W. Shirley (London: Longmans et al, 1866), 2.59; Champollion-Figeac, Lettres de Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages, 1.82, #68, same text.
