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A letter from Innocent III, pope (12/18/1201)


Innocent III, pope


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

Innocent III pope to his beloved daughter in Christ Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes, signifies that having heard her prayers, he confirms by apostolic authority and secures by the protection of the present writing, her dower, established for her by her husband, Thibaud, count palatine of Troyes. Dated at Anagni, 15th kalends of January, in the fourth year of our pontificate.

Original letter:

Innocentius papa III dilectae in Christo filiae suae Blanchae comitissae Trecensi palatinae significat se, auditis ejus precibus, dotalitium, ei ab ejus marito Theobaldo Trecensi comite palatino constitutum, auctoritate apostolica confirmare et presenti scripti patrocinio communire. Datum Anagnie, XV kalendas januarii, pontificatus nostri anno quarto.

Historical context:

Innocent III takes Blanche's dower under his protection.

Printed source:

Teulet, Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.228, #616

