Innocent III, pope
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne
Translated letter:
(To the noble woman Blanche, countess of Champagne, and her son Thibaut)
It has been reported to us on your part that our beloved son Robert, cardinal-priest of St. Stephen in Celio Monte, legate of the apostolic see, with the bishops connected to him and other good men, received certain testimony to the [effect] that [when] count Henry of celebrated memory was to go overseas, he had his land sworn to his brother Thibaut if he did not come back from there and that said count contracted with [Isabel] queen of Jerusalem of bright memory after the death of [Conrad] the marquis of Montferrat, who had taken her violently from Humphrey of Toron her legitimate husband while Humphrey was still alive. [He interviewed these witnesses because] there could deservedly be doubts about the death of certain of them, since they were old, and fears of the long absence of others, as well as the threat of other dangers because of wars.
We therefore yielding to your prayers, order that what was done prudently and legitimately by said cardinal have the force of confirmation.
Dated at the Lateran, 3rd ides of December, in the 16th year of our pontificate.
Original letter:
Ex parte vestra fuit propositum coram nobis quod dilectus filius noster Robertus, tituli Sancti Stephani in Coelio monte presbyter cardinalis, apostolicae sedis legatus, adjunctis sibi quibusdam episcopis et aliis bonis viris, super hoc quod inclytae recordationis comes Henricus ad partes ultramarinas iturus terram suam Theobaldo fratri suo fecit juri si de illis partibus non rediret, et quod praedictus comes cum clarae memoriae [Isabella] regina Hierosolymitana post mortem [Conradi] marchionis Montisferrati, qui eam Unfredo de Toron legitimo viro ejus violenter abstulerat, ipso Unfredo vivente contraxit, quosdam testes recepit, pro eo quod de morte quorumdam illorum, cum essent senes, poterat merito dubitari, et de longa timeri absentia aliorum, nec non et periculis aliis quae propter guerras poterant imminere. Nos igitur vestris precibus annuentes, quod super iis provide ac legitime factum est per cardinalem praedictum, robur habere praecipimus firmitatis.
Datum Laterani, III Idus Decembris, pontificatus nostri anno sexto decimo.
Historical context:
The pope announces to the countess and her son that on the basis of testimony from witnesses his legate interviewed, he confirms their claims.
Printed source:
PL216, c.942, 16th year, ep.151; also HGF 19, 584.