A letter from Honorius III, pope (12/9/1216)
Honorius III, popeReceiver
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagneTranslated letter:
Honorius bishop, servant of the servants of God, to his beloved daughter the noble woman countess and her son Thibaud, count of Champagne, greetings and apostolic blessing. Having full respect for the devotion which your progenitors had to the Roman Church, which you are also known to have, we received your messengers and letters benignly; and the affection of love and thanks we have to you we took care to show through action by consenting very benignly to your requests. For in firm purpose/resolution we support your agenda, to be present to you as to special children of the Apostolic See, and as far as we can with God’s and our honor extend to them what looks to your honor and success. On those gifts, however, which you visited on us through those messengers carrying out your devotion, we give thanks and exhort assiduously that you persist firmly in your devotion to the Apostolic See, secure in the favor of our grace. So that you can deserve our grace more fully from day to day. Dated at Rome, St. Peters, 5th ides of December, in the first year of our pontificate.Original letter:
Honorius episcopus, servus servorum Dei, dilectae filiae nobili mulieri comitissae et Theobaldo nato ejus, comiti Capaniae, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Ad devotionem quam progenitores vestri ad Romanam Ecclesiam habuerant, et vos ipsi habere noscimini ad eamdem, plenum habentes respectum, nuntios et litteras vostras benigne recepimus: et quem ad vos gerimus affectum dilectionis et gratiae per effectum operis curavimus demonstrare petitionibus vestris benignius annuendo. In firmo enim proposito gerimus in agendis vestris, tanquam specialibus filiis Apostolicae Sedis vobis adesse, in quantum cum Deo et nostra poterimus honestate et illis intendere quae vestrum honorem respiciant et profectum. De exeniis autem in quibus nos per eosdem nuntios visitastis devotionem vestram prosequentes, actionibus gratiarum monemus et hortamur attentius, quatenus de gratiae nostrae favore securi in devotione Apostolicae Sedis firmiter persistatis: ita quod plenius et nostram gratiam de die in diem promereri possitis. Datum Romae apud S. Petrum, V. idus decembris, pontificatus nostri anno primo.Historical context:
Honorius thanks the countess (and her son) for their gifts and grants her request without identifying it.Printed source:
Horoy, Honorii III Opera Omnia, Epistolae 1.93