A letter from Honorius III, pope (1/7/1219)
Honorius III, popeReceiver
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagneTranslated letter:
Honorius, etc., to his beloved children, B[lanche] countess of Champagne, and her son count Thibaut. As often happens, those who hold fiefs from you are bound to others for the same pledge, and because of this you are defrauded of owed services. Wishing to advise your indemnity, we grant by the authority of the presents, that if you happen to receive in pledge fiefs which are held from you, you are not bound to calculate the fruits which you seize by chance from them while those feudataries are immune from the service for which they are bound to you for those fiefs. Let noone, therefore, etc., to breach this page of our grant, etc., if any, however, etc. Dated at the Lateran, 7th ides of January in the third year [of our pontificate].Original letter:
Honorius, etc., dilectis filiis B. comitissae Campaniae, ac Theobaldo comiti nato ejus. Quum saepe contingat eos qui a vobis feoda, tenent, aliiis ipsa pignori obligare, ac vos ob hoc debitis obsequiis defraudari, nos vestrae indemnitati volentes consulere, praesentium vobis auctoritate concedimus, ut si feoda, quae a vobis tenentur, vos in pignus contingat recipere, fructus quos perceperitis ab eisdem in sortem non teneamini computare, dummodo iidem feodatarii a servitio, quo vobis pro feodis ipsis tenentur, interim sint immunes. Nulli ergo, etc., hanc paginam nostrae concessionis infringere etc. si quis autem, etc. Datum Laterani, septimo idus januarii anno tertio.Historical context:
Honorius grants the countess and her son the right to enjoy the fruits from a fief which is legally otherwise entangled and therefore not rendering the service its holder owes them.Printed source:
Horoy, Honorii III Opera Omnia, Epistolae 3.92