A letter from Honorius III, pope (11/12/1219)
Honorius III, popeReceiver
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagneTranslated letter:
Honorius, etc. to his beloved children, the noble woman countess of Champagne, and Thibaut her son, greetings and apostolic blessing. Our venerable brother the bishop of Troyes set forth humbly to us that you have multiply oppressed him on the occasion of the indulgence granted to you by the Apostolic See, so that ecclesiastical censure is scorned in your territory and the authority of episcopal dignity is overturned. For which we must admonish and exhort your nobility, ordering by apostolic writings that you not oppress in any way the aforesaid bishop, whom because of the compelling merits of his probity we and our brothers have accepted up to now, holding him and other bishops nearby in reverence and honor, as is fitting, so that you may gain merit with God and a good name among men, and we can deservedly commend your devotion. Dated at Viterbo, second ides of November, in the fourth year of our pontificate.Original letter:
Honorius, etc., dilectis filiis nobili mulieri comitissae Campaniae et T. nato ejus, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. Venerabilis frater noster Trecensis episcopus exposuit humiliter coram nobis quod ipsum, occasione indulgentiae vobis ab Apostolica Sede concessae, multipliciter aggravatis, ita quod in partibus vestris ecclesiastica censura contemnitur et episcopalis dignitatis auctoritas evertatur. Quocirca nobilitatem vestram monendam duximus et hortandam, per Apostolica scripta mandantes quatenus et praedictum episcopum, quem propter probitatis meritis exigentibus, nos et fratres nostri habemus admodum acceptum nec non alios e vicinis episcopos, habentes, sicut convenit, in reverentia et honore, ipsum nullatenus aggravetis, ita quod apud Deum vobis meritum comparetis et apud homines nomen bonum, nosque devotionem vestram possimus merito commendare. Datum Viterbii, II id. novembris, pontificatus nostri anno quarto.Historical context:
The pope asks the countess and her son to treat the bishop of Troyes and other bishops in the area with suitable respect and not to oppress them.Printed source:
Horoy, Honorii III Opera Omnia, Epistolae 4.47