A letter from Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne (2/26/1222 n.st.)
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagneReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
I, Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes, make known to all who will see the present letters that I did homage to the venerable man lord Peter, abbot of St. Denis, in Paris where I had come for my business, as I owed it with the proviso that it not prejudice in any way my heirs nor that abbot or the church of St. Denis that I did it in Paris. For I declare that I was not held to do that except in the county of Troyes; that abbot said that I was held to do it at St. Denis; and thus, saving the right of either party and of my heirs, I did the homage at Paris to the mentioned abbot. In witness of which I have had the present letters made/written and enforced with the seal. Enacted at Paris, in the year of grace 1221, in the month of February.Original letter:
Ego, Blancha, comitissa Trecensis palatina, notum facio universis presentes litteras inspecturis, quod viro venerabili domino Petro, abbati Beati Dyonisii, feci Parisius, ubi veneram pro negociis meis, homagium quod ei facere debebam, eo salvo quod mihi aut heredibus meis nec ipsi abbati vel ecclesie Beati Dytonisii nullum faciat prejudicium quod illud Parisius feci. Dico enim quod illud non teneor facere, nisi in comitatu Trecensi; ipse vero abbas dicebat quod illud facere teneor apud Sanctum Dyonisium; et sic, salvo jure utriusque partis et heredum meorum, feci Parisius homagium memorato abbati. In cujus rei testimonium presentes litteras feci fieri et sigilli mei munimine roborari. Actum Parisius, anno gratie MCCXXprimo, mense februarii, sabbato post festum Sancti Mathie apostoli.Historical context:
The countess explains why she did homage to the abbot of St. Denis in Paris, and affirms that it is not to be prejudicial to the rights of her heirs nor to the church that she did not do it in Troyes. One of the count’s fiefs, Nogent-sur-Seine, was held from the abbot and Thibaut IV did homage to him for it in 1226 (see Longnon, ep.28). This is the abbot’s account of the homage done by the countess: Peter, by the grace of God abbot of St. Denis, to all who will see the present letters, greetings in the Lord. Your whole body should know that we have received from the illustrious noble lady Blanche, countess of Troyes, at Paris where she came for her own business, homage which she was held to do to us, save that there should be no prejudice to us nor to the church of St. Denis nor to that countess or her heirs that we received it in Paris. For we have declared that she was held to do it at St. Denis; but she declared that she was not held to do it except in the county of Troyes; and thus, saving the right of each party, we have received her homage in Paris. In memory of which we have put out the present letters fortified by our seal. Enacted at Paris, in the year of grace 1221, in the month of February, on the sabbath after the feast of St. Matthew the apostle. (Longnon, ep.27)Manuscript source:
Cartulaire blanc de l’abbaye de Saint Denis, v.2, p.5, col.2
Printed source:
Documents relatifs au Comté de Champagne et de Brie, 1172-1361, ed. Auguste Longnon (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1901) v.1 Les Fiefs, 475-76, ep.26.