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A letter from Erard of Brienne and Philippa of Jerusalem (?) (1223?)


Erard of Brienne and Philippa of Jerusalem (?)



Translated letter:

We, Erard of Brienne and I Phillipa his wife, make known to all in the present and future that when the day is assigned at Chaumont for the return of the venerable father Gerold, patriarch of Jerusalem, through whose mediation peace was made while he was bishop of Valenciennes, between our dearest lady Blanche, palatine countess of Troyes, and our dearest lord Thibaut, palatine count of Champagne and Brie on one side and us, Erard and Philippa his wife on the other, in said place, namely at Chaumont, we promised that patriach by present letters that whatever lord Thibaut count of Champagne will instruct about this and wherever he wishes, we will come and concede anew and seal again the aforesaid peace with correction made by the lord patriarch through his letters patent when we are asked to. So that this be known and held firm, we shall have it written down and confirmed by the force of our seals. Enacted in the year of grace 1226,n Friday on the feast of St. Vincent.

Original letter:

Nos Erardus de Brena et ego Philippa uxor ejus notum facio universis tam praesentibus quam futuris quod cum dies esset assignata apud Calvummontem in recessu venerabilis Patris Giroldi patriarchae Hierosolymitani, quo mediante facta fuit pax, dum esset episcopus Valentinensis, inter charissimam dominam nostram Blancham comitissam Trecensem palatinam et charissimum dominum nostrum. Theobaldum comitem Campaniae et Briae palatinum ex una parte, et nos Erardum et Philippam uxorem ejus ex altera nos dicto loco, videlicet apud Calvummontem, eidem patriarchae promisimus per praesentes litteras quod quantumcunque dominus Theobaldus comes Campaniae super hoc monebit, et ubicunque voluerit, veniemus, et pacem praedictam cum correctione quam apposuerit dominus patriarcha per suas litteras patentes, nos concedemus de novo et sigillabimus iterum quando fuerimus requisiti. Quod ut notum permaneat et firmum teneatur, litteris adnotatum sigillorum nostrorum fecimus munimine robarari. Actum anno gratiae 1126, die Veneris in festo Sancti Vincentii.

Historical context:

Blanche’s husband, Thibaut III, succeeded to Champagne when his older brother Henry II left for Jerusalem in 1190. Henry married the queen of Jerusalem, Isabel. When he died in 1197, Philip II of France confirmed Thibaut’s succession (he was then 18), but Thibaut died in 1201, leaving his widow Blanche pregnant with a son. Thibaut’s claim was challenged by the daughter of Henry and Isabel, Philippa, and her husband Erard of Brienne and local barons were divided. The issue was eventually settled in favor of Thibaut with a large payment to Philippa of 5000 pounds..

Scholarly notes:

The text of the letter in the PL gives 1126, which is clearly an error. The rubric at the beginning gives 1226 which may be when the letter was recorded in the papal archives. The following letter, ep.19, is a confirmation of the peace from Honorius to Thibaut, and that is dated in the 8th year of his pontificate, which would be 1223.

Printed source:

PL 216 c.987-88, papal registers of Innocent III, bk.16 ep.18

