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A letter from Honorius III, pope (4/9/1218)


Honorius III, pope


Berengaria of Navarre, queen of England

Translated letter:

Honorius, etc., to his dearest daughter in Christ, Berengaria, formerly illustrious queen of the English. Though the apostolic see, which we however unworthy preside over, as the universal mother opens its bowels/innards of piety to all, it does not attend all with equal affection, but gives greater preference in love and honor to those whom it finds more inclined to devotion. Thus it is that mindful of the devotion which you are recognized to have to the sacrosanct Roman church and our person, beyond what is commonly owed of pastoral office, by which we are compelled to offer care and sollicitude of widows showing special grace, we take under our protection and that of saint Peter your person with all the goods you reasonably possess at present or might acquire in the future in just manner with God providing, and we warn, by the force of the present writing, prohibiting very strictly by the authority of the presents, anyone presuming to promulgate sentences of special excommunication or interdict against you or your chapel without the mandate of the Apostolic See, which, if it should happen to be promulgated, we declare not valid. To no one of our protection and decree, etc; is any, etc. Dated at the Lateran, 5th ides of April, second year of our pontificate.

Original letter:

Honorius, etc., carissimae in Christo filiae Berengariae quondam reginae Anglorum illustri. Quamvis Apostolica Sedes, cui licet immeriti praesidemus, tanquam mater universalis omnibus aperiat viscera pietatis, non tamen omnes aequali affectu prosequitur, sed illos majori praerogativa diligit et honorat, quos in devotione sua reperit proniores. Inde est, quod devotionem, quam ad sacrosanctam Romanam Ecclesiam et personam nostram habere dignosceris attendentes, praeter commune debitum pastoralis officii, quo curam et sollicitudinem gerere cogimur viduarum specialem gratiam exhibendo, personam tuam cum omnibus bonis quae in praesentiarum rationabiliter possides, aut in futurum justis modis praestantis Domino poteris adipisci, sub beati Petri et nostra protectione suscipimus, et praesentis scripti patrocinio communimus, auctoritate praesentium districtius inhibentes, ne quis in te aut capellam tuam sine mandato Sedis Apostolicae speciali excommunicationis, aut interdicti sententias promulgare praesumat, qua, si secus contigerit, promulgari, decernimus non tenere. Nulli ergo omnino hominum nostrae protectionis et diffinitionis, etc.; si quis autem, etc. Datum Laterani quinto idus aprilis, pontificatus nostri anno secundo.

Historical context:

The pope takes Berengaria and her possessions under his protection.

Printed source:

Horoy, Honorii III Opera, Epistolae, 2.190; summary in RHP III, #1225.

