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A letter from Honorius III, pope (4/12/1218)


Honorius III, pope


Berengaria of Navarre, queen of England

Translated letter:

"To Berengaria formerly illustrious queen of the English." He grants that at the time of the interdict she and her household may hear divine office with the doors closed and those who have been excommunicated or interdicted excluded. At the Lateran, 2nd ides of April in the 2nd year [of our pontificate].

Original letter:

"B[erengariae] quondam Anglorum Regine illustri." Indulget ut tempore interdicti ipsa ac familia divina officia ianuis clausis, excommunicatis et interdictis exclusis audire possit. Laterani II. Id. Apr. anno secundo.

Historical context:

During the period of the interdict imposed on Le Mans, the pope grants Berengaria and her household the right to hear divine offices in private. This is a summary.

Printed source:

RHP III, #1241

