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A letter from Henry III, king of England (2/10/1220)


Henry III, king of England


Berengaria of Navarre, queen of England

Translated letter:

The king to G., lord of Blay, greetings. We order you and strictly command that you have conducted safely by all your power the messengers and men of our beloved B[erengaria] former queen of England, those going from her to Spain and those coming to her from Spain carrying letters of hers or with her name. Do not permit them to be harmed by anyone in anything. Witnessed by H[enry] etc., as above.

Original letter:

Rex G., domino Blavie, salutem. Mandamus vobis et districte precipimus quatinus nuncios et homines dilecte nobis B. quondam regine Anglie, euntes ab ipsa in Hispaniam et de Hispania ad ipsam venientes, litteras ipsius deferentes vel nomen suum tenentes, per totam potestatem vestram salvo conduci faciatis. Nec permittatis eos ab aliquibus in aliquo molestari. Teste H. etc. ut supra.

Historical context:

The king orders the lord of Blay who apparently attacked Berengaria's men to give them safe conduct and protect them from harm. The letter would have been sent to her as well.

Printed source:

The Patent Rolls of Henry III, 1.229

