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A letter from Adela, countess of Blois, Chartres, and Meaux (1119)


Adela of England, Countess of Blois



Translated letter:

I Adela, countess of Blois, and Thibaut, my son, wish to make known to the future as well as the present, that we have granted our fair of Sezanne, which is on the feast of St. Nicholas, completely to clothing the poor monks of Christ of the church of St. Mary of Molesme, in remission for our sins and the salvation of our souls and also those of our ancestors and so that our anniversary may be celebrated in said church eternally; also that from that they may pay each year sixty shillings to the monks of the church of St. Peter of Rebais. Present at this gift were Guido, abbot of Molesme; and lord Garner, abbot of Rebais, and many others. And that this may be held valid, we have confirmed it with our seals. This charter was made in the year of the Lord's incarnation, 1119.

Original letter:

Ego, Adela, Belsensis comitissa, et Theobaldus, filius meus, notum fieri volumus tam futuris quam presentibus, quia feriam nostram de Sezennia, que est ad festum sancti Nicholai, ex integro concessimus ad vestiendum pauperes Xristi monachos Beate Marie Molismensis ecclesie, in remissionem peccatorum nostrorum et salutem animarum nostrarum necnon et antecessorum nostrorum et ut anniversaria nostra in prefata ecclesia in eternum celebrentur; ita tamen quod inde persolvant singulis annis sexaginta solidos monachis Sancti Petri Resbacensis ecclesie. Huic dono interfuerunt Guido, Molismensis abbas; et domnus Garnerus, Resbacensis abbas, et multi alii. Et ut hoc ratum habeatur, sigillis nostris firmavimus. Facta est autem hec carta anno ab incarnatione Domini M.C.XIX.

Historical context:

The charter records a gift made by Adela and her son Thibaut to the monks of Molesme of the proceeds of the Sezanne fair.

Manuscript source:

Arch. de la Cote-d'Or, 2e Cart. de Molesme, fo 97 ro.

Printed source:

Histoire des Ducs et des Comtes de Champagne, depuis le VIe s. jusqu'a la fin du XIe, H. D'Arbois de Jubainville (Paris: Aug. Aubry, 1861, v.3), document 88, p.421-22.
