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A letter from Marie of France, countess of Champagne and Troyes (1194)


Marie of France, countess of Champagne and Troyes



Translated letter:

I Marie, countess of Troyes, make known to the present and future, that I conferred in alms on the church of the Paraclete a certain public square situated next to the house at Provins, which that church is known to possess in the market of Provins, so that in that square one may do nothing except by the consent and will of said church and that church will always retain that square as a square, except it will be able to have the stalls currently there. Which I have confirmed with my seal so that it may be held valid. Enacted in the year of the incarnation of the Word 1194. Dated by the hand of Walter, chancellor, noted by Theodoric.

Original letter:

Ego Maria, Trecensis comitissa, notum facio presentibus et futuris, quod ecclesie Paracliti contuli in elemosinam plateam quandam, sitam Pruvini juxta domum, quam eadem ecclesia in mercato Pruvini dinoscitur possidere, ita quod in platea illa aliquis non faciet aliquid, nisi de assensu et voluntate dicte ecclesie, et ecclesia illa plateam illam semper in plateam retinebit, preterquam stallos currentes ibidem facere poterit. Quod ut ratum teneatur sigillo meo confirmavi. Actum anno Verbi incarnati Mo Co nonagesimo quarto. Data per manum Galterii cancellarii, nota Theodorici.

Historical context:

Marie makes a gift to the abbey of the Paraclete.

Printed source:

Histoire des Ducs et des Comtes de Champagne, depuis le VIe s. jusqu'a la fin du XIe, H. D'Arbois de Jubainville (Paris: Aug. Aubry, 1861, v.3), document 161, p.477.
