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A letter from Hugo, count of Troyes (1102)


Constance of France, Countess of Troyes
Hugo, count of Troyes



Translated letter:

The authority of elders and the order of reason persuades that if human care disposes anything to be firm and certain, so that it may be extended in time, it should be commended to the written office of memory. Therefore after notice to the present we have taken care that it be communicated to future posterity that Hugh, count, and his venerable wife, Constance, daughter of Philip king of the Franks, to whom said king her father gave the town of Attigny, have granted the chapel of St. Vauxbourg for the remedy of their souls to St. Mary of Molesme and the enrichment of the monks of that place, and whatever pertains to that chapel by testimonial law. Truly since the cardinal clerics upheld the canonries there, said monks fearing that another law might lay claim to it, this was enacted by the diligence of the count and countess, that in the hand of the lord Manasse, archbishop, those clerics would put down their canonries and free themselves from them altogether. Mindful of this, the count and his wife in the presence of that archbishop and his oftmentioned brothers conferred said chapel with everything pertaining to it and granted it to be held in perpetuity, with the archbishop praising and agreeing. Whatever is enacted by the gift of the count and the assent of the archbishop, is stated to be confirmed by the favor of the said king and his son Louis, and fortified by perpetual sanction. Lest anyone rail improperly against this page of remission at any time, we have reinforced it with the signs and witness of qualified persons. The sign of Manasse, archbishop. Sign of Gervase, archdeacon. Sign of Manasse, archdeacon, Sign of Rudolf, provost. Sign of Joffrid, deacon, sign of Richerius, cantor. Sign of Elbert, Odalric, Lambert, priests. Sign of Fulk, Rainold, Gerard, deacons. Sign of Isembard, Bartholomew, Milo, subdeacons. Sign of Louis, son of the king. Sign of Hugh, count. Sign of Constance, his wife. Enacted at Reims, in the year of the incarnation

Original letter:

Majorum auctoritas et rationis ordo suadet, ut, si quid humana sollertia firmum fore ratumque disponit, ut in tempora prorogari valeat, officio litterali memoriae commendetur. Post presentium igitur noticiam future posteritati intimatum curavimus, quod Hugo, comes, et venerabilis uxor ejus Constantia, Philippi regis Francorum filia, cui idem prefatus rex pater suus Atiniacum villam dederat, capellam sanctae Walburgis pro suarum remedio animarum sanctae Mariae de Molismo et ditioni monachorum ejusdem loci contradiderint, et quicquid ad eandem capellam attinet lege testamentali concesserint. Verum quia cardinales clerici inibi canonias obtinebant, supradictis monachis quod juris erat alterius sibi vendicare pertimescentibus, hoc actum est industria comitis et comitissae, ut in manu domni Manasse, archiepiscopi, clerici illi canonias suas deponerent, et ab his sese omnino emanciparent. Memoratus itaque comes et uxor ejus in presentia ejusdem archiepiscopi sepenominatis fratribus predictam capellam cum omnibus ad eam pertinentibus, archiepiscopo laudante et annuente, contulit, et perpetuo tenendam concessit. Quicquid autem tam in dono comitis, quam in assensu archiepiscopi actum est, predicti regis atque Ludovici, filii ejus, favore constat esse firmatum ac perpetua sanctione munitum. Ne quia autem improbus contra hanc manumissionis paginam aliquando oblatrare valeat, signis eam ac probabilium personarum testimoniis corroboravimus. Signum Manasse, archiepiscopi. S. Gervasii, archidiaconi. S. Manasse, archidiaconi. S. Rodulfi, prepositi. S. Joffridi, decani. S. Richerii, cantoris. S. Elberti, Odalrici, Lamberti, presbiterorum. S. Fulchonis, Rainoldi, Gerardi, diaconorum. S. Isembardi, Bartholomei, Milonis, subdiaconorum. Signum Ludovici filii regis. Signum Hugonis, comitis. Signum Constantiae, uxoris ejus. Actum Remis, anno incarnati Verbi millesimo CII, indictione X, archiepiscopatus domni Manasse anno VIImo. Fulchradus, cancellarius, scripsit et subscripsit.

Historical context:

The count and countess grant a chapel to the abbey of Molesme and its monks. The chapel is in the town of Attigny, which was given to the countess by her father, Philip king of France. A separate charter was enacted by the countess's brother, Louis (VI), affirming his agreement to her gift:  I Louis, son of Philip king of the Franks, king designate by the grace of God, wish to make known to all present and future and I grant and corroborate with my seal that gift which my sister Constance made to the church of St. Mary of Molesme, namely the church of St. Vauxbourg beside Attigny and all the profits which come afterwards. Witnesses are: Symon de Melflo, Paganus de Gisorz and many others, see Histoire des Ducs et des Comtes de Champagne, depuis le VIe s. jusqu'a la fin du XIe, H. D'Arbois de Jubainville (Paris: Aug. Aubry, 1861, v.3), document 80, p.413. MS: Archives de la Cote-d'Or, 2e cartulaire de Molesme, fo 102 r).

Manuscript source:

Archives de la Cote-d'Or, 1er cartulaire de Molesme, p.18

Printed source:

Histoire des Ducs et des Comtes de Champagne, depuis le VIe s. jusqu'a la fin du XIe, H. D'Arbois de Jubainville (Paris: Aug. Aubry, 1861, v.3), document 79, pp 412-13.
