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A letter from Constance of Hungary (1236, December 7)


Constance of Hungary



Translated letter:

Constance, by the grace of god queen of the Bohemians, to all the faithful of Christ to whom the present letters come, greetings in the Lord. By the testimony of the presents, we profess that the church in Werben (Vrbno) received with full integrity a tithe from the town or the estate of the Crusaders from the Teutonic house called Repin by dower right from the time that we first came to Bohemia, with no one resisting, neither in our presence nor in the presence of our husband, the illustrious king of Bohemia of happy memory. Now truly, since the said church was bestowed on the hospital of St. Francis, which our illustrious daughter lady Agnes established in Prague, said Crusaders of the Teutonic house denied said tithe to said hospital against justice, which we say with pure conscience/knowledge. In witness of which thing we have conferred the present page fortified by the protection of our seal. Dated at Tisnov, 7th ides of December, in the year 1236-7.

Original letter:

Constantia, dei gratia Boemorum regina, universis Christi fidelibus, ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem in Domino. Presentium testimonio profitemur, quod ecclesia in Werben decimam a villa seu predio Cruciferorum de domo Teutonica nomine Repin dotali iure a tempore, quo primum Boemiam intravimus, cum omni integritate suscepit, nemine vel coram nobis vel coram marito nostro illustri rege Boemie felicis memorie reluctante. Demum vero, postquam predicta ecclesia collata est hospitali sancti Francisci, quod illustris filia nostra domina Agnes instituit in Praga, supradicti Cruciferi de domo Teutonica predictam decimam predicto hospitali contra iusticiam, quod de pura conscientia dicimus, denegarunt. In cuius rei testimonium presentem paginam predicto hospitali contulimus sigilli nostri munimine roboratam. Datum in Tusgnowe anno MCCXXXVI, VII ydus decembris.

Historical context:

The queen confirms a church's right to a tithe from property belonging to the Teutonic knights.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus et Epistolarius Regni Bohemiae, ed. Gustavus Friederich, Zdenek Kristen, Jan Bistricky (Prague: 2000), 3.3.403-4, Additamenta, ep.286.


1236, December 7