A letter from Gregory IX, pope (1228)
Gregory IX, popeReceiver
Constance of HungaryTranslated letter:
To the queen of Bohemia. Since you would always find great grace and favor with the Roman church, the shield of protection and defense against the attempts of adversaries, a firm hope is conceived by your prayers that, having cast off the vice of ingratitude, you may desire to be always pleasing to it [the church], whose grace to you can be continued for many things. That is, we ask and assiduously exhort your serenity, enjoining you through these apostolic writings that persevering firmly in devotion to the apostolic see and us, you prudently and providently beware the deceptions and frauds of those endeavoring to impugn/oppose the church gratuitously, not sparing its shame nor your honor, lest perhaps, far be it, compelled by some treaty to you or yours, you are drawn to devious ways in error and that turns into sobs for you and yours, which you thought to grant to advantage. For we intend to increase our accustomed grace to you as well as to your child, if merits accompany it with the right sign (vestigio). Dated at Assisi, in the month of June, in the second year [of the pontificate].Original letter:
Regine Boemie. Cum apud Romanam ecclesiam magnam semper inveneris gratiam et favorem, protectionis clippeum et munimen contra conatus adversantium, votis tuis spes firma concipitur, quod ingratitudinis excluso vitio, et semper grata esse cupias, cuius tibi gratiam continuari expedit propter multa. Hinc est, quod serenitatem tua rogamus attente et monemus, per apostolica tibi scripta mandantes, quatinus in devotione apostolice sedis ac nostra firmiter perseverans, dolos et fraudes illius provide caveas et prudenter, qui gratis ecclesiam impugnare satagens, nec pudori suo nec tuo pepercit honori, ne si forte, quod absit, aliquo tibi vel tuis federe colligetur, traharis ad devia cum errante vergatque tibi ac tuis postea in singultum, quod cedere ad commodum estimares. Nos enim tam tibi quam tuo generi habitam intendimus gratiam ampliare, si eam recto vestigio merita comitentur. Datum Asisii, mense iunii, anno secundo.Historical context:
The pope exhorts the queen to remain faithful to the holy see. He sent the same letter to her husband Otakar, and to her brother Andrew of Hungary.Printed source:
Codex Diplomaticus et Epistolarius Regni Bohemiae, ed. Gustavus Friederich (Prague: 1912), 2.313, ep.317.