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A letter from Cunegund of Swabia, Queen of Bohemia (1229?)


Cunegund of Swabia, Queen of Bohemia



Translated letter:

A triple cord is hard to break and endures with greater strength, as is often confirmed. Let it be known to the present as well as the future, that the exchange which the king of pious memory Otakar with his son, Wenceslas, illustrious king and our husband, made with the lord abbot of Plasy from a certain town called Hodyne, I Cunegund queen of Bohemia by the grace of God, [we] hold firm and stable that action taken by the aforesaid at that time, and [we] enforce the privilege by the present writing which was dated by our chancellor Wissegrad, provost Arnold, lest any challenge might arise to it in the future.

Original letter:

Triplex funiculus difficile rumpitur et que sepius confirmantur, maiori vigore consistunt. Notum sit tam presentibus quam futuris, quod ego dei gracia Cungundis Boemorum regina concambium, quod fecerunt pie recordacionis rex Odakarus cum filio suo inclito rege Wencezlao ac marito nostro cum domino abbate de Plaz de villa quadam nomine Nahodini, illud factum, quod tunc temporis ordinatum erat per predictos, illud firmum et stabile habemus et presenti scripto privilegium, quod per cancellarium nostrum, prepositum Wissegradensem Arnoldum dabatur, roboramus, ne possit inde aliqua calumpnia in posterum oriri.

Historical context:

The queen affirms an exchange made between her father-in-law and her husband on one side and the abbot of Plasy on the other.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus et Epistolarius Regni Bohemiae, ed. Gustavus Friederich (Prague: 1942), 3.1.1, ep.1.

