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A letter from John, king of England (1199)


John, king of England


Eleanor of Aquitaine

Translated letter:

John, by the grace of God, etc. Know that we have granted and confirmed by this our present charter to the dearest and venerable Lady, and our mother Eleanor, by the grace of God Queen of England, that she have and hold for all the days of her life or as long as it should please her, all Poitou with all its appurtenances, with the whole inheritance and acquisition, which appertains to it in any direction or by whatever law; which she granted and surrendered to us as her rightful heir, and confirmed by her charter, and for which she received our homage; and acknowledged the dominion of the whole said land, homage, fidelity and services to us. And not only of our said lands do we wish her to be the Lady but also of us and all our lands and possessions. The agreement between us is that she will give [away] nothing of the foresaid without our assent and counsel; nor we without her assent and counsel: with the exception of any suitable benefice which she or we make for the salvation of our souls. As witness, etc.

Original letter:

Johannes, Dei gratia, &c. Sciatis nos concessisse, & praesenti Carta nostra confirmasse karissimae ac venerabili Dominae, & Matri nostrae Alienorae, Dei gratia, Reginae Angliae, quod habeat & teneat, omnibus diebus vitae suae, vel quamdiu sibi placuerit, totam Pictaviam cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, cum tota Haereditate & adquisitione, quae eam, ex aliqua parte, vel quocunque jure, contingat; quae nobis tanquam recto Haeredi suo concessit & dimisit, & Carta sua confirmavit, & unde homagium nostrum recepit; & unde Dominium totius terrae praedictae, homagium, fidelitatem & servitia nobis atturnavit. Et non tantum de praedictis terris nostris volumus quod sit Domina; set etiam de nobis, & omnibus terris, & rebus nostris. Conventio etiam inter nos, quod ipsa nil dabit de praedictis sine assensu & consilio nostro; nec nos, sine assensu & consilio suo: Excepto aliquo competenti beneficio, quod ipsa, vel nos faciamus pro salute animarum nostrarum. Teste, &c.

Historical context:

John publishes the agreement between himself and his mother acknowledging her right to hold her inheritance of Poitou during her lifetime, which will revert to him as her heir.

Printed source:

Rymer, Foedera, 1.36 (3rd ed.).
