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A letter from Eleanor of Aquitaine (?)


Eleanor of Aquitaine



Translated letter:

Eleanor, by the grace of God queen of England, duchess of Normandy, of Aquitaine, and countess of Anjou, to the archbishops, bishops, counts, barons, the seneschal of Poitou, and the good men of Oleron and all to whom in the future as well as the present, this letter should come, greetings. Your whole community should know that we have given and granted and confirmed by this our present charter, for the salvation of our soul, to our beloved protegee Alix, prioress of Fontevrault, ten pounds of Poitevin money annual rent, to be received each year from the rents of our provosture of Oleron, on the feast of St. Michael: so that, whoever is the provost of Oleron should pay her the said ten pounds, without any difficulty, well and peacefully each year; after the death of said prioress, we wish and establish firmly that the convent of Fontevrault have and receive in perpetuity said ten pounds annually, to celebrate the anniversary of said prioress.

And so that this our donation be held perpetual, we have fortified it with our seal.

With these witnesses: Helia archbishop of Bordeaux, M. bishop of Poitiers, Robert of Torneham seneschal of Poitou, M. abbess of Fontevrault, A. duchess of Bourbon, M. countess of Tornodor, Ralph of Faye, William of Faye, Hamelin of Brolio, Soronet mayor of Poitiers, Geoffrey of Chauvigny, master Richard our clerk, Savaric the younger, Roger our chaplain.

Dated by the hand of the same, at Poitiers.

Original letter:

Alienor, Dei gratia regina Anglie, ducissa Normannie, Aquitanie, comitissa Andegavie, archiepiscopis, episcopis, comitibus, baronibus, senescallo Pictavie et probis hominibus de Olerone et omnibus ad quos presens carta pervenerit, tam presentibus quam futuris, salutem.

Noverit universitas vestra quod dedimus et concessimus et hac presenti carta nostra confirmavimus, pro salute anime nostre, dilecte alumpne nostre Alize, priorisse Fontis Ebraudi, decem libras Pictavensis monete annui redditus, singulis annis percipiendas de redditibus prepositure nostre Oleronis, ad festum sancti Micahelis: ita quod, quicumque sit prepositus Oleronis, et predictas decem libras, sine aliqua difficultate, bene et pacifice singulis annis reddat; post decessum vero predicte priorisse, volumus et statuimus firmiter quod conventus Fontis Ebraudi habeat et percipiat in perpetuum predictas decem libras annuatim, ad anniversarium predicte priorisse faciendum. Et ut hec donatio nostra robur habeat perpetuum, eam sigillo nostro communivimus.

Hiis testibus: Helia Burdegalensi archiepiscopo, M. Pictavensi episcopo, Roberto de Torneham senescallo Pictavie, M. abbatissa Fontis Ebraudi, A. ducissa Borbonie, M. comitissa Tornodori, Radulfo de Faia, Willelmo de Faia, Hamelino de Brolio, Soroneto majore Pictavis, Galfrido de Cavilniaco, magistro Ricardo clerico nostro, Savarico juniore, Rogero capellano nostro.

Data per manum ipsius, apud Pictavim.

Historical context:

Eleanor gives and confirms her gift of 10 poitevin pounds for the salvation of her soul to her beloved protegee Alix, prioress of Fontevrault, to come annually from rents of the provostship of Oleron. After the death of the prioress, the gift is to go to the convent in perpetuity for use on the anniversary of the prioress's death.

Printed source:

M. P. Marchegay, "Chartes de Fontevrault concernant l'Aunis et la Rochelle," 2nd series, BEC 19 (1857-58), 338-39.

