A letter from Guy of Gallardon (1111-1112)
Guy of GallardonReceiver
Adela of England, Countess of BloisTranslated letter:
To his ruler/lady, countess A[dela], G[uy] of Gallardon, greetings. I am very grateful for what you sent me; but I am very anxious to see you. Unless I see you at the time which you have set however far you are I shall come to see you. I have spoken to lord Amaury [of Montfort] about Hugh of Crécy, and lord Amaury has made a pact with him that he will be with lord Milo [of Bray] as long as you wish, and will not fail him for the king [Louis VI] or for anyone else. He will fail him and will fight as best he can if he remains there against your will. Hugh responding conceded that he would do everything desired. From which you may be certain that Hugh will not be with lord Milo unless it pleases you. With my enemies I brought it about that the knights and those serving them would redeem themselves completely at my will making peace with me, except the four leaders/princes whom I want to be disinherited for a long time. Lord Gervase with his people and those of lord Amaury, fortified and secured St. Remy before Nonancourt. And whenever Normandy [the Normans] arrived, with the castle fortified and the defenses in place, he would leave safe with his men in the presence of the enemy. Fare well.Original letter:
A., comitisse domine sue, G. de Galardone, salutem. De eo quod mihi mandasti magnas vobis habeo gratias; desidero autem multum vos videre: quod nisi ad terminum quem mihi posuistis vos videro, quam longe cumque fueritis, ut vos videam ad vos veniam. De Hugone de Crece domno Amaurico locutus sum, et domnus Amauricus ita cum eo depactus est quod, quamdiu vobis volentibus cum domno Milone erit, nec pro rege, nec pro quolibet alio ei deficiet; deficiet autem ei et ut poterit impugnabit si contra velle vestrum ibi manserit. Cui Hu. respondens concessit omnia ad velle ejus se facturum. Quare pro certo sciatis quod Hu. cum domno Mi. non erit, nisi quantum vobis placuerit. De hostibus meis ita egi quod et equites et servientes pro velle meo mihi se conciliantes erga me totos se redimunt, preter IIII principes quos diu exheredatos esse volo. Domnus Gervasius, cum gente domni Amaurici et sua, ante Nonencort Sanctum Remigium firmavit et munivit; cumque supervenisset ei tota fere Normannia, castello firmato et presidiis impositis, salvus cum suis coram hostibus discessit. Valete.Historical context:
Adela sent Guy to negotiate a pact and he reports on the status of his mission. The Milo mentioned is Mile de Bray, Adela's son-in-law, married to her daughter Alice, according to editor Lucien Merlet.Printed source:
Lucient, Merlet, 'Lettres de Ives de Chartres et d'autres personnages de son temps, 1087-1130,' Bulletin de l'Ecole des Chartes, 16 (1855), 470, ep.35