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A letter from Adelgida/Adela


Amadeus I, count of Savoy



Translated letter:

In the name of the only-begotten son of the Lord, let all who are redeemed by his blood know that I, count Amedeus, and my wife Adela, [we] give a property (mansum) to almighty God and his most holy saints, the apostles Peter and Paul, and to St. Maurice for the salvation of the soul of our son Humbert, so that through the bestowing of alms from him, who is known for the remission of our sins, that we may deserve to be freed from eternal punishment, and to be numbered with all his [souls] in the heavenly kingdom.  That property is indeed situated in the bishopric of Grenoble in our county in a town which is called Maltacena/Matassine at the root of the Mont du Chat, which at present a certain man by name Manfred is known to cultivate.  We make this donation so that the Cluniac monks may do with it from this day whatever they please with total integrity of that property.   That this donation of ours may have perpetual strength, we have signed it with our own hands and given it to be signed by witnesses.  Sign of the Lord Count Amedeus and his most illustrious spouse, Adela, who [plural] ordered this charter to be made.

Original letter:

In nomine unigeniti Filii Domini, noverint cuncti ejusdem sanguine redempti, quod ego Comes Amedeus, & uxor mea Adela, Donamus quendam mansum Omnipotenti Deo & sanctissimis ejus Apostolis Petro & Paulo, necnon & sancto Mauricio pro animarum nostrarum salute, & pro requie filii nostri Uberti animae, ut ab eo, qui per Elemosynarum largitionem innotuit cunctorum peccatorum nobis remissionem, mereamur ab AEterno liberari supplicio, & cum ipsius omnibus connumerari in caelesti regno.  Est autem situs ejusdem mansus in Episcopatu Gratianopolitano in Comitatu nostro in villa, quae vocatur Maltacina ad radicem montis Muniti, quem ad praesens quidam homo videtur excolere Manifredus nomine.  Hanc igitur donationem ea facimus ratione, ut Monachi Cluniacenses faciant ex eo ab hodierna die quicquid placuerit cum omni ejusdem mansi integritate.  Ut autem haec Donatio nostra perpetuum vigorem obtineat, & ipsam manu propria firmavimus, & firmandam Testibus tradidimus.  Sig. Domini Comitis Amedei, & ejus Illustrissimae conjugis Adelae, qui fieri hanc cartam jusserunt.


Historical context:

This donation of a property to the church is made for the soul of their son, Humbert.

Printed source:

Samuel Guichenon, L’Histoire Généalogique de la maison royale de Savoye (Lyons, 1660),  v.2 Preuves, p.8.

