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A letter from Mathilde


Mathilde of Brabant



Translated letter:

M[athilde] by the grace of God countess of Holland to all who will see the present writing, greetings and everything good.

Those who look over the present page will know that we in healthy life have conferred on our dearest daughter M[argaret], countess of Henneberg, our land which lies in Maslant and Kouwerve with the town and inhabitants and lands [fundis] and profits [prediis] to possess perpetually, with that freedom and that right and exemption by which we are known to have possessed said goods, moreover all the goods which we buy there in the future, the present letters on this fortified by our seal giving to our daughter recorded above.  Dated at Zande in the year 1259.

Original letter:

M. Dei gratia comitissa Hollandie universis presens scriptum inspecturis salutem et omne bonum.

Noverint universi presentem paginam inspecturi quod charissime filie nostre M. comitisse de Hennenberge contulimus in sana vita nostra terram nostram que iacet in Maslant et Coudewerue cum opido et habitatoribus et fundis et prediis perpetuo possidendam, eadem libertate et eodem iure et exemptione qua nos predicta bona noscimur possedisse, insuper et omnia bona que in posterum inibi ememus, presentes litteras sigillo nostra munitas dantes super hoc filiae nostre memorate.

Datum apud Zande anno 1259. 

Historical context:

The countess records a gift of land to her daughter, Margaret.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 3.240-41, #1235.


1259,April 11(1260, April 2)