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A letter from Mathilde


Mathilde of Brabant



Translated letter:

We Mathilde, formerly countess of Holland, make known to all who will see these letters and we recall by the tone of the presents that all our own land, cultivated and uncultivated, with meadows and pastures and waters and streams , which we possess freely in …, with our dwelling and town in Kouwerve, we have given to our dearest daughter, lady Margaret, countess of Henneberg, to be possessed with all its hereditary integrity.  Our said daughter M. granted us that we would receive the annual fruits of said land as long as we lived; after our death however our said daughter M. will give a hundred pounds of good and legal Holland money to whatever places we have had them given as assigned by good witness, or said fruits of said possession will be received by our executors until the said 100 pounds are completely paid.

That this may remain undisturbed, we have had the present letter inscribed and strengthened by the protection of our seal.  Witnesses:  lord Theoderic of Theylinge, lord Arnold of Heemskerk, lord Hugo of Naaldwijk, lord Arnold of Wassenaar, lord Theoderic of Raporst, and many others with the municipal officials of Maasland.

Enacted in the 1261st year of the lord.

Original letter:

Nos Machtildis quondam comitissa Hollandie notum facimus universis has litteras visuris et presencium tenore recongnoscimus quod [omnem terr]am nostram propriam, cultam et incultam, cum pratis et pascuis aquisve decursib[us, quam in ...]ant libere possidemus, cum mansione et villa nostra in Koudewerue karissime fil[ie nostre domine M]argarete comitisse de Hennenberge dedimus cum omni integritate sua heredi[tarie possidendam]. Predicta vero filia nostra M. nobis concessit ut fructus annuos prefate terre [quamdiu vixerimus r]ecipere valeamus, post mortem nostram autem supradicta filia nostra M. dabit centum l[ibras denariorum Ho]llandensium bonorum et legalium, ubicumque locorum illas dare eidem fecerimus per bon[u]m [testimonium as]signari, vel dictos fructus prefate possessionis a nostris testatoribus tam diu recipi[entur donee C lib]re predicte fuerint integraliter persolute.

Ut autem istud maneat inconvulsum, presentem inde lit[eram cons]cribi et sigilli nostri munimine fecimus roborari. Testes: dominus Theodericus de Theylin[..., dominus] Arnoldus de Heimskerken, dominus Hugo de Naltwich, dominus Arnoldus de W[assenair, dominus] Theodericus de Raporst, et alii quamplures cum scabinis de Maselant.

Acta sunt [hec] anno Domini M° CC° sexagesimo primo. 

Historical context:

The countess gives a town to her daughter Margaret, on the understanding that Margaret will give her the fruits of the land in her lifetime and pass them on to those her mother would chose.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 3.297-98, #1287.


1261, April 22 (1262, April 7)