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A letter from Mathilde


Mathilde of Brabant



Translated letter:

To all who will see the present script in the present and the future, M[athilde] countess of Holland eternal salvation in the Lord.

You will all know that for the remedy of the soul of our beloved husband, lord Floris, formerly/late count of Holland, we have assigned to the abbess and convent of Rijnsburg five pounds of annual revenue or fifty pounds for the buying back of those if we should wish to redeem said five pounds, to be received at our lands lying in the office of Monster near Oudenburg, from which five pounds we will have asked the abbess and convent of Loosduinen at the proper time for us to pay the forty shillings/sous [solidos] to said abbess of Rijnsburg, which we declare the abbess and convent of Loosduinen quit from the payment to be made in the future of said forty shillings to said abbess and convent of Rijnsburg especially since said [abbess and convent] of Rijnsburg unduly troubled said of Loosduinen claiming what is not owed, since we are the debtors of said forty shillings.

In witness of which thing we have conferred the present letters on the abbess and convent of Lausdunen strengthened with the protection of our seal.

Dated in the 1264th year of the Lord, on the Saturday after the Epiphany of the Lord.

Original letter:

Universis presentibus et futuris presens scriptum visuris M. Hollandie comitissa eternam in Domino salutem.

Noverit universitas vestra quod nos ob remedium anime dilecti mariti nostri domini Florentii quondam Hollandie comitis abbatisse et conventui de Rinsburgh assignavimus quinque libras annui redditus vel quinquaginta libras pro earum redemptione si dictas quinque libras redimere voluerimus, capiendas ad terras nostras iacentes in officio de Monstra prope Oudenburgh, de quibus quinque libris rogaverimus abbatissam et conventum de Lausdunen ad tempus pro nobis solvere quadraginta solidos predicte abbatisse de Rinsburgh, quas scilicet abbatissam et conventum de Lausdunen a solutione predictorum quadraginta solidorum predictis abbatisse et conventui de Rinsburgh faciende quitas in posterum clamamus presertim cum predicte de Rinsburgh citationibus indebitis dictas de Lausdunen vexaverunt indebite, quia nos dictorum solidorum quadra­ginta debitores sumus.

In cuius rei testimonium predicte abbatisse et conventui de Lausdunen presentes litteras contulimus sigilli nostri munimine roboratas.

Datum anno Domini M° CC° LXIIII°, sabbato post Epyphaniam Domini. 

Historical context:

The countess assigns an annual income to an abbess and convent, part to be paid from the debt of another abbess and convent to her, which the first convent has been wrongly claiming for itself.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch  3.399-400, #1373.


1265, January 10