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A letter from Mathilde


Mathilde of Brabant



Translated letter:

M[athilde] countess of Holland to all who will look over the present letters, greetings and everything good.  All should know that the people of Hofdijk are held to pay nothing of the ten pounds which they are accustomed to give to Winsum, and we signify this by the sense of the presents.  Dated in the 1265th year of the Lord, Tuesday after Trinity.

Original letter:

M. comitissa Hollandie universis presentes litteras inspecturis salutem et omne bonum.  Noverint universi quod illi de Hofdike de decem libris que dare solent de Winsum nichil tenentur solvere, et hoc universis tenore presentium significamus.  Datum anno Domini M° CC° LX° quinto, feria tercia post Trinitatem. 

Historical context:

The countess relieves a town of its customary payments.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 3.418, #1390. 


1265, June 2