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A letter from Mathilde


Mathilde of Brabant



Translated letter:

M[athilde], countess of Holland to all who will see the presents, greetings in the lord and to know the truth.

We wish it to come to your knowledge that the land of our beloved relative, the young lady Hadewich of pious memory, namely two iugera lying in the land that is called in the vulgate Surianttelant, conferred by her in alms, bought from us indeed for 14 Holland pounds from the hands of its executors, namely priests of Mazelant and Zande, and received before the judge and municipal officials of Zande, we have conferred on the church of the Island of St. Mary with all right and property pertaining to it in pure alms to be possessed freely, peacefully and perpetually; for which afterwards for the advantage and convenience of us and said church, we have exchanged two other iugera lying on another part of the road to the east, wishing in every way that such conferring as well as exchange on both sides, should remain firm and secure.

In witness of which thing, we have had the strength and protection inscribed in the present page and protected by our seal.

Dated and enacted in the year of the Lord 1266, on the eve of the Nativity of St. Mary, at Gravenzande.

Original letter:

M. comitissa Hollandie universis presentia visuris salutem in Domino et cognoscere veritatem. 

Ad noticiam vestram cupimus pervenire quod terram dilecte consanguinee nostre, pie memorie domicelle Hadewigis, duo scilicet iugera iacentia in terra que vulgariter nuncupatur Surianttelant, in elemosinam ab eadem collata, a nobis vero pro XIIII lb. Hollandensium de manibus testatorum ipsius, videlicet sacerdotum de Mazelant et de Zande, comparata et coram iudice et scabinis de Zande recepta, ecclesie de Insula beate Marie cum omni iure et proprietate sibi attinente in puram elemosinam contulimus libere, quiete et perpetuo possidenda; pro quibus postmodum ad utriusque commodum et utilitatem, nostri scilicet et dicte ecclesie, mutuavimus alia duo iugera iacentia ex altera parte vie in oriente, volentes omnimodis ut tam collatio nostra quam cambium ex utraque parte factum prefate ecclesie firma permaneant et rata.

 In cuius rei testimonium, robur et munimen presentem paginam conscribi et sigillo nostro fecimus communiri.

Datum et actum anno Domini M CC LXVI, in vigilia Nativitatis beate Marie, apud Grauenzande.

Historical context:

The countess confirms that she has bought land conferred in alms by a relative from the executors, exchanged it with an equal amount of land and given it to a church.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch  3.448-49, #1420.


1266, September 7.