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A letter to Miro Riculf


Almodis of La Marche
Raymond Berengar I


Miro Riculf

Translated letter:

This is the agreement made between lord Raymond, count of Barcelona, and lady Almodis, countess, and Miro Riculf about that town of Tarrega for the next four years and by this they do not dismantle another agreement made between them over said town.   For said count and countess entrust that town of Tarraga (sic) to said Miro by such agreement that said Miro and Peter Udalard be there diligently with twenty of the best horsemen well mounted and armed and that they populate that town as best they can, and give power over said town to said count and countess or to one of them as many times as they both or one of them ask for power over said town from said Miro and Peter Udalard or their mounted men by themselves or by their messengers or messenger.  And said count and countess may have guard duty there as much as they wish and have there the rule in their power for the labor at their causing and will.  And of all the labors which they have in their rule there, they may retain the whole tithe that comes out of the lands or vineyards to have in their power and the chaplaincies which will be between the boundaries of said town of Tarraga and the whole that should pertain to said churches.  And said count and countess give to said Miro that whole tithe of the mills or all other labors which were done or built within the boundaries of said town of Tarraga.  And they give him half of those fees, and by this that said Miro and Peter Udalard be diligent in said town of Tarraga for the next four years with said twenty of the best mounted men, well mounted and armed with good horses, good halberks, helmets and other good arms, and that he make for them with said mounted men armies and mounted service and courts and assemblies and obligation every time said count and countess or one of them ordered this from said Miro and Peter Udalard, and that they with said twenty mounted men hold peace with those men whom said count and countess wished and make war with whom they wished, and do all that a man should do for his good lord.  Said count and countess agree to give said Miro for the coming four years each year eight hundred forty marks of Barcelona money from one feast of St. John to another.  And if said Miro and Peter Udalard do not hold well and do not attend  to all these said agreements with said count and countess without deception as much as he could provide, with their mercy solidly and freely, that town of Tarraga would revert with all its appurtenances into the power of said count and countess to do all that they wished without wrath or any bitterness from said Miro and Peter Udalard and of all their kinsmen and friends.  And similarly I shall hold and keep all for your son to whom you both or one of you will have left those towns of Cervaria and of Tarrega by will or by words.  This was enacted on 13 kalends of August in the 9th year of the reign of king Philip.  Sign+ of Senfre Teddrig.  Sign+ of Miro Fogeti.  Sign+ of Bernard Raymond.  Sign+ of Remon William Odene.  Sign+ of Dalmad Gitard.  Sign+ of Geribert Gitard.  Sign+ of Miro, priest, who wrote this.

Original letter:

Hec est conveniencia que est facta inter domnum Raimundum, Barchinonensem chomitem, et domnam Almodem, chomitissam, et Mironem Riculfi de ipso chastro de Tarrega usque ad quatuo aunos [sic] qui veniunt sint completi, et per istam non dissipant aliam convenienciam que est facta inter eos de iam dicto chastro. Comendant, namque, iam dicti chomes et chomitissa ipsum chastrum de Tarraga ad iam dictum Mironem sub tali conventu, ut iam dictus Miro aut Petrus Udalardi stent ibi assidue cum viginti obtimos caballarios bene inchavalcatos et armatos et adpopulent ipsum chastrum ut melius potuerint, et ut donent potestatem de predicto chastro iam dicti chomiti et chomitisse aut uni illorum per quantas vices ipsi ambo aut unus ex illis requisierit potestatem de iam chastro ad predictos Mironem aut ad Petrus Udalardi aut ad illorum caballarios per semetipsos aut per illorum nuncios vel nuncium. Et predictus chomes et chomitissa habeant ibi staticam quantum voluerint, et habeant ibi ad dominium dominicaturam pro laboracione ad illorum causimentum et voluntatem. Et de totas ipsas laboraciones quas ibi fecerint ad dominicum, retinent totum ipsum decimum quod inde exierit de terris sive de vineis ad illorum dominium ad habendum et capellanias que erunt inter terminos iam dicti chastri Tarrage et hoc toto quod debet pertinere ad iam dictis ecclesiis. Et predicti chomes et chomitissa donant ad iam dictum Mironem totum ipsum aliud decimum de molinis sive de cunctas alias laboraciones que erant facte vel ediphicate infra terminos iam dicti chastri Tarrage. Et donant ad eum medietatem de ipsas leudas, et per hoc ut predictus Miro aut Petrus Udalardi stent assi­due in predicto castro Tarrage usque ad venientes quatuor annos cum predictis vigintis, obtimis chaballariis bene inchavalcatos et armatos de bonos chaballos de bonos alsbergos et elmos et de aliis bonis armis, et ut faciat ad eos cum predictis caballariis hostes et chavalgadas et churtes et placitos et seguimentum per totas illas vices quas predicti chomes et chomitissa aut unus ex illis mandaverint hoc aut iam dictum Mironem, aut ad Petrum Udalardi, et ut ipsi cum predictis viginti cha­ballariis teneant pacem illis hominibus quibus iam dicti chomes et chomitissa voluerint, et faciant guerram quibus ipsi voluerint, et faciant hoc totum quod homo debet facere per suum bonum seniorem. Iam dicti chomes et chomitissa conveniunt ad dare ad predictum Mironem usque ad venientes quatuor annos per unumquemque annum octingentos quadraginta mancusos monete Barchinone de una festa Sancti Iohannis ad aliam. Et, si predictus Miro et Petrus Udalardi non tenent bene et non adtendunt totas istas supradictas conveniencias iam dictis chomiti et chomitisse sine illorum enganno nisi quantum potuerit invenire, cum mercede illorum revertatur solide et libere ipsum chastrum de Tarraga cum omnibus suis pertinenciis in potestate iam dicti chomitis et chomitisse ad faciendum hoc totum quod voluerint sine ira et ullo marrimento de predicto Mirone et Petro Udalardi et omnium suorum hominum propinchorum seu amichorum. Et similiter tenuero et atendero totum illi vestro filio chui vos ambo aut unus ex vobis laxaveritis ipsum chastrum de Cervaria et ipsum de Tarrega testamento vel verbis. Actum est hoc xiii kalendas augusti anno viiii regni regis Filippi. Sig+num Senfre Teddrigo. Sig+num Mironis Fogeti. Sig+num Bernardii Remundi. Sig+num Remon Guilielmi Odene. Sig+num Dalmacio Gitardi. Sig+num Geribertus Gitardi. Sig+num Mironis, sacer, qui hoc scripsit.

Historical context:

Agreements between the count and countess and Miro Riculf over the town of Tarrega, for four years.

Printed source:

LFM 1.184-85, #174.  


1069, July 20