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A letter from Miro Geribert and his wife Guisla


Miro Geribert and wife Guisla


Almodis of La Marche
Raymond Berengar I

Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord.  I, Miro Geribert and my wife, the woman Guisla, and our sons Bernard and Gondeball, together as one are the donors to you, lord Raymond Berengar, count, and lady Almodis, countess.  For it is evident that because of the great guilt that we committed against you, the very great emendation was judged that we should do to you than which nothing would be fitting because of the magnitude of its weight.  Because of said guilt, indeed and because of the emendation of this guilt, we give you by this document of our emendation the town that is called Portus, which is in the territory of Barcelona, on the west of said city to the foot of a certain mountain which is called Judaic on the shores of the sea.  It came to me, Miro, through the right of my parents and to me, the woman Guisla, through my tithe and by purchase to me as to my husband, and to me, Bernard, by the transmission of my uncle Fulk and by the right of my parents, and to me, Gondeball, similarly by right of my parents and various other rights.  The said town has this boundary:  on the east, the hill of Inforcat, on the south along the sea, on the west in the hollow/channel of Lubricat, and in the north in that roadway that goes from Inforcat to St. Eulalia of Provinciana.  As much as is included to the aforesaid boundaries that I, Miro, and my wife and our sons have in said place and held as our own allod up to that day in which we gave over into your power the aforesaid town Portus, we give you the whole completely, and hand over from our jurisdiction into your rule and power with the lands equally and the vineyards, meadows and pastures, trellises and gardens, waters, with their entries and exits, so that you may do whatever pleases you with it as most fully your own because of the emendation of this guilt which is mentioned above.  If indeed we, donors, or a person of either sex should wish to disrupt or put asunder in any way this donation, we or he/she would not be able to, but would pay you triple with every improvement.  And afterwards this gift and the document of this gift should have perpetual strength for all time.  This charter of donation was made on the kalends of July in the 28th year of the reign of Henry, king of the Franks.  + Miro.  Sign+ of the woman Guilia.  Sign+ of Bernard, deacon.  + Guislibert, bishop by the grace of God +. Sign+ of Gondeball Miro.  We equally made this donation and signed it and asked witnesses to underwrite and sign it, and we retained nothing for our use in said town nor in all things mentioned above, but gave the whole completely according to what is written here to said princes, except for that allod, the see of Holy Cross and St. Eulalia, which we hold as fief of lord Gilbert, pontiff.  Sign+ of Bernard Amati.  Udalard, viscount.  Sign+ of Amatus Eldric.  Sign+ of Adalbert Guitard.  Sign+ of Raymond Ermenard.  Sign+ of Berengard Guadal.  Sign+ of Fulk Ermengald.   Sign+ of Raymond William.  Sign+ of William Bernard of Odena.  Sign+ of Peter Miro.  Isarn.  Sign+ of the woman Gilia, wife of the late Miro.  Sign+ of Bello Hominis, by cognomen Gerall, deacon, writer, under the day and year fixed above.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini. Ego Miro Geriberti et uxor mea Guisla femina ct filii nostri Bernardus et Gondeballus, simul in unum donatores sumus vobis, domno Raimundo Berengarii, comiti, et domne Almodi, comitisse. Manifestum est, enim, quia propter culpam maximam quod contra vos commisimus, fuit nobis iudicata maxima emendacio quam vobis fecissemus, quam nullu modo secundum quod conveniebat facere potuimus propter sue magnitudinem gravedinis. Propter predictam, vero, culpam et propter emendacionem ipsius culpe per hanc scripturam emendacionis nostre damus vobis ipsum castrum quod dicunt Portus, quod est in territorio Barchinonensi a parte occidentali predicte urbis ad calcem montis cuiusdam qui vocatur Iudaicus in marinis littoribus. Accidit, autem, mihi, Mironi, per vocem parentum meorum et mihi, Guisle femine, per meum decimum sive per comparacionem tam mihi quam viro meo, et mihi,Bernardo, per dimissionem avunculi mei Fulconis et per vocem parentum meorum, et mihi, Gondeballo, per vocem similiter parentum meorum, sive aliis quibuscumque vocibus. Habet autem terminum predictum castrum: a parte orientali a colle de Inforcatis, a meridiana quoque parte in ipso mari, ab occidua in alveo Lubricati, a parte, vero, circii in ipsa strata qua pergitur de Inforcatis ad Sanctam Eulaliam de Provinciana. Quantum istis terminis concluditur prenominatis, quod ego Miro et uxor mea et filii nostri habe[b]amus in prefato loco et tenebamus per nostrum proprium alodium ad ipsum diem quo tradidimus in potestatem vestram prenominatum castrum Portus, totum integerrime vobis damus, et de nostro iure in vestrum dominium et potestatem tradimus cum terris pariter et vineis, pratis et pascuis, triliis et viridariis, aquis, cum ingressibus simul et egressibus eorum, ut faciatis exinde quodcumque vobis placuerit ad vestrum plenissimum proprium propter emendacionem ipsius culpe que superius scripta est. Si vero nos, donatores, aut utriusque sexus homo disrumpere vel dimovere in aliquo voluerimus aut voluerit hanc donacionem, nullatenus valeamus aut valeat, sed componamus aut componat vobis hoc omne in triplum cum omna sua inmelioracione. Et postmodum hoc donum et doni istius scriptum valorem obtineat perpetuum omne per evum. Facta carta donacionis kalendas iulii anno xxviii regni Henrici, regis Francorum.  +Mirone. Sig+num Guilie femine. Sig+num Bernardi, levite.     +Guislibertus, gracia Dei episcopus+. Sig+num Gondeballe Mironis. Nos pariter hanc donacionem fecimus et firmavimus et testes hanc subscribere et firmare rogavimus, nihilque ad opus nostrum in predicto castro neque in predictis omnibus suprascriptis retinuimus, sed totum integerrime secundum quod hic scriptum est prefatis principibus dedimus, exceptis ipso alodio Sancte Crucis Sancteque Eulalie sedis, quo tenemus per fevum domini Giliberti, pontificis. Sig+num Bernardus Amati. Udalardus, vicecomes. Sig+num Amatus Eldrici. Sig+num Adalbertus Guitardi. Sig+num Remundus Ermenardi. Sig+num Berengarius Guadali. Sig+num Fulcone Ermengaudi. Sig+num Remundus Guilelmi. Sig+num Guilelmus Bernardi de Odena. Sig+um Petrus Mirone. Isarnus. Sig+num Gilie femine, uxorem condam Mironis. Sig+num Belli Hominis, cognomento Gerallus levita, exarator, et sub die et anno prefixo.

Historical context:

Donation made by Miro Geribert and his wife and family to the count and countess to make amends for their guilt in participating in a rebellion against them.

Printed source:

LFM 1.321-22, #295.


1059, July 1