A letter from Bertran
Raymond IV, count of PallarsValencia of Tost
Translated letter:
This is the agreement which Bertran made with lord count Raymond and his wife by name Valencia and their sons and posterity for the castrum of Miralles with its boundaries, and the castrum of Castel Vetre with its boundaries, and the township (villa) of laTorre with its boundaries, as said Bertran put in pledge to said Raymond and said Valencia and their sons and posterity in faith without deception against all men or women, and as said Raymond and said Valencia and their sons and posterity pledge this said honor in faith and without deception, against all men or women. And from this abovewritten honor let no evil come to said Raymond and Valencia or their sons or posterity or their land or their men and women. And by this abovewritten surety said Raymond and Valencia and their sons and posterity will have a right of lodging in that said castro of Miralles for any year and and forenamed 100 round cakes, and 3 pigs, worth 5 marks, and 8 ff. of wine and barley for 60 horses, half barley and half oats in single ff. And this agreement was prepared for said Raymond and said Valencia and their sons and posterity without payment of wealth. Enacted 2nd ides of November in the 11th year of the reign of king Philip. Sign+ of Bertran, who asked that this agreement be written and witnesses sign it. Sign+ of Roger Umbert. Sign+ of Suguer. Sign+ of Remon Eriman. Sign+ of Bernard William. They are witnesses and many other men who were present.+
Original letter:
Hec est conveniencia quod fecit Bertran ad domno Reimundo comite et ad coniux sua nomine Valenza et ad suos filios vel ad sua posterita de ipso castro de Mirallas cum suos terminos, sive de ipso castro de Castel Vetre cum suos terminos, et de ipsa villa de la Torre cum suos terminos, sicut mittet iam dicto Bertran in baglia ad iam suprascripto Remon et ad iam dicta Valenza vel ad filios suos et ad sua posterita per fide, sine enganno, contra cunctos homines vel feminas, et quomodo predicto Remon et iam dicta Valenza vel filios suos et sua posterita baglescant ista honore iam dicta per fide, sine enganno, contra cunctos homines vel feminas. Et de ista honore iam suprascripta non escat nullum mal ad iam dicto Remon et ad Valenza pronominata vel ad suos filios vel ad sua posterita sive ad sua terra vel ad suos homines et feminas. Et per ista baglia iam suprascripta habeat predicto Remon et Valenza pronominata et suos filios vel sua posterita in ipso castro de Miralles iam suprascripto uno recepto pro unoquisque anno et pronominato C fogazes et in porcos, que vallen v mancusos, et viii ff. de vino et ad sexanta cavallos civada, medietate de ordio et medietate de avena per singulos ff. teros. Et ista conveniencia sic siat atesuda ad predicto Remon et ad iam dicta Valenza et ad suos filios vel ad sua posterita sine lucrum de avere. Actum est hom II id. novembris anno XI regnante Philippi regi. Sig+num Bertran, qui ista conveniencia rogavi scribere et testes firmare. Sig+num Rodger Umbert. Sig+num Su[g]uer Sig+num Remon Eriman. Sig+num Bernard Guillem. Testes sunt et aliorum plurimorum hominum qui ibidem aderant +.
Historical context:
Agreement between the count and countess and Bertrand for castros of Miralles, Castro Veteri, and the town of Turri, in which he promises to give him lodging in Miralles. A castrum is an administrative district including a castle, a fortification.
Printed source:
Liber Feudorum Maior, 1.107, #100.