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Raymond IV, count of Pallars

Letters from Raymond IV, count of Pallars

A letter to Arnau Mir of Tost (1055, September 2)
A letter to Arnau Mir of Tost (1064, July 16)
A letter to Dod of Eroles (April 1061-1108)
A letter to Drocho (March, 1088)
A letter to Ermessend (1055-98)
A letter to Girbert and Udalard (1061-1108)
A letter to Guilamany Hug (1079, September)
A letter to Guitard William of Midiano
A letter to Oliver Bernard (1080, February 19.)
A letter to Raymond Mir (1056-57, July.)
A letter to Raymond Peter (Ramon Pere) (1076, July 12)
A letter to Sunyer Raymond (1080, February 19.)
A letter to Valencia of Tost (1056, October 26.)
A letter to Valencia of Tost (1056, October 26)
A letter to William Folc (1079, December 5)

Letters to Raymond IV, count of Pallars

A letter from Arnal and Oger
A letter from Bernard of Belera
A letter from Bertran
A letter from Ermengol, count of Urgell
A letter from Ermengol, count of Urgell
A letter from Ermengol, count of Urgell
A letter from Ermongol, Count of Urgell
A letter from Girbert Bertran and his mother
A letter from Raymond Mir
A letter from Sunyer Raymond
A letter from Tedball Raymond
A letter from Tedball Raymond
A letter from the count of Pallars
A letter from the Count of Pallars
A letter from the men of Valle Orcaria
A letter from Viscount Gerbert
A letter from viscount Pons and viscountess Ledgard
A letter from viscountess Adalgard
A letter from William Ez and Gilbert Ez