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A letter of donation


Almodis of La Marche
Count Raymond Berenguer of Barcelona



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord.  We together, Raymond by the grace of God count and marquis of Barcelona, and his spouse Almodis, by the favor of God countess, we give to God and the church of St. Mary of the see of Girona something from our allod, which came to me, said count Raymond by right of my parents, and to me, said countess, by gift of the above-named count.  It is that allod in the county of Girona, not far from that city, in a place which is called Vallpregona.  Said allod abuts in the east the road that goes to Laco and the allod of William Balbi, in the south the allod of St. Felix of Girona and the comital allod, namely ours, and then goes by that same road and that ridge as far as Puig de Morel, in the west, that torrent of Vallpregona and the allod of St. Felix and the allod of said church that was the cleric’s Adalbert Guisad, in the north it abuts that street that goes from Girona to Laco and the allod of said St. Felix which is in Las Presas.  As much as said abutments enclose, such we give and hand over to God and said church of St. Mary the abovenamed allod completely with its borders and all its appurtenances for love of God and his most glorious Mother and for the remedy of our souls, so that that allod be perpetually held by that church of St. Mary.  The said allod we hand over by our right into the domain and power of said church on the condition that neither that allod nor any part of that allod ever be alienated by that church.  Which if we or anyone of either sex should presume or we should presume to take away said allod or anything of said allod from the right and power of said church, we or they would pay God and said church double and moreover whoever caused this injury to God would pay for the sacrilege.

This document of donation was made on the 3rd kalends of October in the 1064th year from the Incarnation of Christ, in the 5th year of the reign of king Philip.

Raymond, count, Almodis countess, we who had this document of donation made, signed it and asked it to be signed.  Witness to the document, Isarn, vassal, present and confirming (sign of his hand).  Deusdeit, deacon.  Sign+ of Peter, cleric and judge (sign of hand).  Miro Guasce, deacon.   Deusdedit, deacon.  Peter deacon (sign of his hand).  +Berengar, cleric (sign of his hand).

Peter Blidgar, priest, I who wrote this document of donation (sign of the hand) on the day and year as above.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini. Nos simul Raimundus Dei gratia Barchinonensium comes et marchio, et eius coniux Almodis nutu Dei comitissa, donamus Deo et canonice Sancte Marie sedis Gerunde aliquid de alodio nostro, quod mihi prefato Raimundo comiti aduenit per uocem parentorum meorum, et mihi supradicte comitisse per donationem supranominati comitis. Est autem ipsum alodium in comitatu Gerundense, non longe ab ipsa ciuitate, in loco qui dicitur Ualle Profunda. Affrontat autem prelibatum alodium a parte orientis in uia qua pergitur ad Lacum et in alodio Guilielmi Balbi, de meridie in alodio Sancti Felicis Gerunde et in alodio comitali, uidelicet nostro, et inde peruenit per ipsam uiam et per ipsam serram usque ad Puig de Morel, de occiduo in ipso torrente de Valle Profunda et in alodio Sancti Felicis siue in alodio predicte canonice quod fuit Adalberti Guisadi clerici, de circio affrontat in ipsa strata qua pergitur de Gerunda ad ipsum Lacum et in alodio Sancti Felicis predicti quod est in ipsas Presas. Quantum predicte affrontationes includunt sic donamus et tradimus Deo et prefate canonice Sancte Marie supranominatum alodium integriter cum affrontationibus et cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus ob amorem Dei et eius gloriosissime Genitricis et propter remedium animarum nostrarum, ut sit Sancte Marie alodium eiusque canonice perpetim habendum. Predictum alodium de nostro iure tradimus in dominio et potestate iam dicte canonice sub ea condicione ut ne ipsum alodium nec aliqua pars illius alodii ab ipsa canonica quandoque aufferatur. Quod si nos aut aliquis utriusque sexus homo predictum alodium aut aliquid de predicto alodio a iure et potestate predicte canonice auferre presumpserit aut presumpserimus, Deo et predicte canonice in duplo componamus aud componant et insuper qui hanc iniuriam Deo intulerit ut sacrilegus componat.

Facta scriptura donationis .III. kalendas octobris anno ab Incarnatione Christi .mlxiiii., anno .v. regni Philippi regis.

Raimundus comes, Almodis comitissa, qui hanc scripturam donationis fecimus, firmauimus et firmare rogauimus. Testis Ysarnus adest confirmans scripta fidelis (s. man.). Deusdedit, leuita. Sig+num Petri clerici uel iudicis sss. (s. man.) Miro Guasce, leuita. Deusdedit, leuita. Petrus leuita (s. man.). + Berengarius clericus (s. man.).

Petrus Blidgarii presbiter, qui hanc scripturam donationis scripsi (s. man.) et die et anno quo supra.

Historical context:

The count and countess donate an allod to the church of St. Mary of Girona.

Printed source:

Cartoral, dit de Carlemany, del bisbe de Girona (S.IX-XIV), ed. Josep Maria Marquès (Barcelona:  Fundació Noguera, 1993), 2 v.,  1.255-56, #130.  


1064, September 29