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A papal letter of permission


Pope Alexander IV


Salomea of Little Poland

Translated letter:

Alexander bishop, servant of the servants of God.  To his beloved daughter in Christ, sister Salomea, formerly queen of Galicia, greetings and apostolic benediction.  Bending to the entreaties of your devotion, we indulge you by the authority of the presents, that closed in the cloister of your monastery you might summon some honorable and prudent minor brothers when it seems convenient to communicate your secrets and other things honorably to their sound counsels, not withstanding the continuous constitution of said order. Therefore no one at all is permitted to break this page of our concession, or oppose it by bold daring.  If anyone should presume to attempt this, he should know that he will incur the indignation of almighty God and the blessed apostles Peter and Paul.  Give/dated at the Lateran, 2 kalends of April, in the third year of our pontificate.

Original letter:

Alexander episcopus seruus seruorum dei.  Dilecte in christo filie Sorori Salomee, Regine quondam Galicie, Salutem et apostolicam benedicitonem.  Deuotionis tue supplicationibus inclinati, quod Monasterij tui claustro inclusa, aliquos ex fratribus minoribus honestos et prouidos ad te uocare ualeas, cum uideris expedire et pro salute anime et alias honeste sanis eorum consilijs tua communicare secreta, continue constitutione dicti ordinis non obstante, auctoritate tibi presencium indulgemus.  Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre concessionis infringere, uel ei ausu temerario contraire.  Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit, indignacionem omnipotentis dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius se nouerit incursurum.  Datum Laterani II kalendas aprilis, Pontificatus nostrj Anno Tertio.

Historical context:

The pope grants Salomea's request to be confessed by brothers of minor orders.

Printed source:

Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 1: 1178-1386,  Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Polonii Illustrantia Tomus III continet: Codicem Diplomaticum Poloniae Minoris, 1178-1386 , ed. Franciszek Piekosiński (Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności/Academia Literarum Craoviensis, 1876),  no.46, p.56-57.



1257, March 31