Confirmation of a grant
Innocent IV, popeReceiver
Salomea of Little PolandTranslated letter:
Innocent [the bishop, servant of the servants of God, to the noblewoman] Sister Salomea, of the Order of Saint Damian, born of the late L[eszek], duke of Kraków and Sandomierz [greetings and apostolic benediction]. The sincerity of your devotion requires that we should do what favour we worthily can: hence it is that, having inclined to your requests, we grant to you by the authority of these present letters, that if our beloved son, your brother, the nobleman, B[olesław], Duke of Kraków and Sandomierz, should happen to die without issue, and to bequeath to you some manors pertaining to his own right, you may lawfully receive and retain [them], while you still live, for your monastery and its work, intending to return them after your death to the legitimate successors of the same duke. Therefore no one at all may infringe this page of our grant, or with reckless daring to contradict it. If anyone [should do so, let him be anathema, etc.].
Original letter:
Innocentius [episcopus seruus seruorum Dej. Nobili mulieri] sorori Salomee, ordinis s. Damiani, nate quondam L. Cracouie ac Sandomirie ducis, [salutem et apostolicam benedictionem]. Tue deuotionis sinceritas exigit, ut tibi, quam digne possimus, gratiam faciamus. Hinc est, quod nos tuis supplicationibus inclinati, auctoritate tibi presentium indulgemus, vt si dilectum filium nobilem virum B. ducem Cracouie et Sandomirie, germanum tuum, contingat decedere sine prole tibique relinquere villas aliquas, ad se iure spectantes, licite possis ad tuum et monasterij opus recipere, ac etiam dum vixeris, retinere, ad successores legitimos ducis eiusdem post tuum obitum redituras. Datum Anagnie tertio nonas Augusti, [pontificatus nostri] anno XII.
Historical context:
Pope Innocent writes to Salomea of Little Poland, confirming the grant of estates to her monastery should her brother die without issue. The text and translation was provided by Talia Zajac, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the John Rylands Research Institute and Library.
Printed source:
Franciszek Piekosiński, ed. Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 2: 1153-1333, (Kraków: Akad. Umiejętności, 1886), no. 444, p. 98.