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A letter from Gerbert of Aurillac/Reims (985)


Gerbert of Aurillac/Reims


Beatrice, countess/duke of Upper Lorraine

Translated letter:

I seem to see the excellence of your acumen: peace has been established among princes, the common weal is well disposed and changed for the better by you. But there is one thing still that disturbs many people: the archbishop of Trier with a huge effort is making a different arrangement either to give himself over to the hands of the Franks with the duke [Henry of Bavaria?] and the realm of Lorraine and hide from you that there is likely to be a meeting at Verdun, or he wants to set even bigger things in motion. He has ordered your friend A[dalbero] to undo the ordination of his nephew. Is he the king or the archbishop of Trier? This business seems to encompass the faction of the archbishop on all sides. Let your prudence keep watch therefore and investigate where the weight of such things inclines, and whether duke Henry will keep faith with you.

Original letter:

Excellentiam acuminis vestri videor videre: pace inter principes stabilita, re publica bene disposita ac per vos in melius commutata. Unum tantum est, quod plurimos movet: Trevirensem archiepiscopum tanto molimine ordinationem differentem aut se cum duce ac Lothariensi regno manibus Francorum velle tradere vosque celare, quod colloquium Virduni habendum verisimile facit, aut his maiora velle machinari. Iubetur amico vestro A., ordinationem nepotis destruat. Num rex an primas est Trevirensium? Factionem archiepiscoli hoc negotium undecumque continere videtur. Invigilet ergo vestra prudentia et, quo se tantarum rerum pondera vergant, perquirite et, an dux Henricus fidem vobis servaturus sit, providete.

Historical context:

Gerbert congratulates Beatrice on the peace that has been achieved and warns her about another conspiracy plotted by the archbishop of Trier, Ecbert.

Manuscript source:

Gerbert of Reims, V. fol.98' #64; L fol.62

Printed source:

MGH BDKz ep.63 p.944-95, dated July 985; also HGF9 ep.41 p.286, dated 985, and PL137 ep.16 c510 (in the PL this letter is also listed under Adalbero).
