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Alix/Adela of Champagne, queen of France


Title social-status
queen of France
Date of Death


(See also Genealogical Table(s): 2.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 4.1, 5.)
Alice/Alix/Adela was a greatgranddaughter of William the Conqueror, granddaughter of Adela of Blois, daughter of Thibaut II of Champagne and Matilda of Carinthia. Alix became the third wife of Louis VII and the mother of Philip II Augustus and of Agnes (who married Byzantine emperors Alexius II Comnenus and Andronicus I Comnenus). Alix's brothers, Thibaut of Blois and Henry of Champagne, married the two daughters of Louis VII and Eleanor of Aquitaine, Marie de Troyes and Alis. Thus, as wife of Louis VII, she was also her brothers' step-motherinlaw. A third brother William was archbishop of Reims. Alix was her son's regent while Philip Augustus was on crusade. She was alive during much of the litigation between Ingeborg and Philip over his attempt to divorce her, but I have so far seen no letters to or from her on the matter.