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Genealogy: Humbert

Table 5: Descendants of Humbert I, Count of Savoy

Humbert I, count of Savoy d. 1047-1048
|---Amadeus I count of Savoy b. 1000, d. 1052
|   +Adelgida/Adela
|---Otto Count of Savoy b. Cir 1023, d. Cir 1057-1060
|   +Adelaide of Turin and Susa d. 1091
|   |---Peter I Count of Savoy d. 1078
|   |   +Agnes of Aquitaine countess of Savoy
|   |   |---Agnes of Savoy margravine of Turin and Susa
|   |       +Frederick of Montbéliard margrave of Turin d. 1091
|   |---Amadeus II Count of Savoy d. 1080
|   |   |---Humbert II Count of Savoy d. 1103
|   |       +Gisela of Burgundy countess of Savoy b. 1075, d. 1135
|   |       |---Amadeus III Count of Savoy d. 1148
|   |       |   +Mahaut of Albon d. 1148
|   |       |   |---Matilda of Savoy Queen of Portugal d. 1157-1158
|   |       |   |   +Alfonso I King of Portugal d. 1185
|   |       |   |---Humbert III Count of Savoy d. 1189
|   |       |---Adelaide of Savoy queen of France d. 1154
|   |           +Louis VI King of France d. 1137
|   |           |---Philip of France d. 1131
|   |           |---Louis VII King of France b. 1120, d. 1180
|   |           |   +Eleanor of Aquitaine b. 1122, d. 1204
|   |           |   +Constance of Castile queen of France d. 1160
|   |           |   +Adela of Champagne Queen of France d. 1206
|   |           |---Henry Archbishop of Rheims d. 1175
|   |           |---Robert Count of Dreux d. 1188
|   |           |---Constance of France Countess of Toulouse d. 1176
|   |           |   +Eustace IV Count of Boulogne d. 1153
|   |           |   +Raymond V Count of Toulouse
|   |           |---Peter I of Courtenay d. 1183
|   |               +Elizabeth of Courtenay
|   |---Otto Bishop of Asti d. Cir 1088
|   |---Bertha of Savoy d. 1087
|   |   +Henry IV Emperor d. 1106
|   |   |---Conrad duke of Lower Lorraine and king of Italy and Germany d. 1101
|   |   |---Agnes of Germany Duchess of Swabia d. 1143
|   |   |   +Frederic I of Hohenstaufen Duke of Swabia d. 1105
|   |   |   |---Frederick II Duke of Swabia d. 1147
|   |   |       +Judith of Bavaria d. 1132
|   |   |       |---Frederick I Barbarossa King of Germany, Emperor d. 1190
|   |   |       |   +Beatrice of Franche-Comte d. 1184
|   |   |       |---Judith/Bertha of Swabia
|   |   |           +Matthias duke of Lorraine
|   |   |---Henry V Emperor d. 1125
|   |       +Matilda of England Empress, Countess of Anjou d. 1167
|   |---Adelaide of Savoy Duchess of Swabia d. 1079
|       +Rudolf I of Swabia and anti-king of Germany d. 1080
|       |---Adelaide of Swabia queen of Hungary
|           +Ladislaus I king of Hungary b. 1040, d. 1095
|           |---Prisa/Irene of Hungary
|               +John II Comnenus emperor of Byzantium
|---Ermengarde of Savoy queen of Burgundy
    +Rothbold III of Provence
    |---William III count of Provence d. 1037
    |---Emma of Provence countess of Toulouse
        +William III count of Toulouse
        |---Pons II Count of Toulouse
            +Almodis of la Marche d. 1071
            |---William IV Count of Toulouse d. 1094
            |   +Emma of Mortain countess of Toulouse
            |   |---Philippa countess of Toulouse and duchess of Aquitaine d. 1118
            |       +William IX Duke of Aquitaine d. 1127
            |---Raymond IV of Saint-Gilles Count of Toulouse d. 1105
            |   |---Bertrand of Toulouse count of Tripoli d. 1112
            |---Almodis of Toulouse
                +Peter Count of Melgueil d. 1085
                |---Ermessinde of Melgueil d. Cir 1222
                |   +William V of Montpellier d. 1122
                |---Raymond II Count of Melgueil d. 1120
    +Rudolf III King of Burgundy d. 1032