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250 Biographies
Name Title Date of Birth Date of Death
viscountess of Narbonne 1127/1129 1196/1197
Empress 800? 851
11th century
countess of Brittany c.1069 1147
Queen of Burgundy 1057?
Queen of the Franks 823 869
Countess of Melgueil 1176
Countess of Barcelona 975/978 1058, March 1
abbess of Shaftesbury
Queen of Hungary c.1193
patrician late 6th century
369-370? 418-419?
1. c400; 2. after 422
Queen of Hungary 1295
lived in the 11th century
4th century
Countess of Arles and Provence, viscountess of Millau and Gévaudan 1115
940 1002
widow late 4th century
Roman aristocrat, cubicularia of empress mid 6th century?
Duchess of Krakow 1258
countess of Monte Santa Maria 11th century 11th century
Viscountess of Nimes early 12th century late 12th century
Viscountess of Bruniquel mid 11th century
royal nun