A letter to Raymond/Ramon, count of Barcelona |
Ermessenda of Carcassonne
Count Raymond Berenguer of Barcelona
1057, June 4 |
A letter to Richard Altemir |
Almodis of La Marche
Raymond Berengar I
Richard Altemir
1058 |
A letter to Stephen Bedoc |
Guillelma of Montpellier
Stephen Bedoc
1171 |
A letter to Stephen John and brothers |
Guillelma of Montpellier
Bernard Ato V
Stephen John
1152 |
A letter to Stephen Sperandeo |
Guillelma of Montpellier
Stephen Sperandeo
1171 |
A letter to Suger, abbot of St. Denis |
Ida of Carinthia
Suger, abbot of St. Denis
1147/1148 |
A letter to Sunyer Raymond |
Raymond IV, count of Pallars
Valencia of Tost
Sunyer Raymond
1080, February 19. |
A letter to the Abbot of Fontfroide |
Ermengard of Narbonne, viscountess of Narbonne
Vitalis, abbot of Fontfroide
1157 |
A letter to the Archbishop of Narbonne |
Ermengard of Narbonne, viscountess of Narbonne
Berengar, archbishop of Narbonne
1156 |
A letter to the bishop of Cambrai |
Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders
Bishop of Cambrai
c.1110 |
A letter to the church of St. Mary of Chartres |
Adela of England, Countess of Blois
Count Stephen of Blois
Chapter of St. Mary of Chartres
1089-96/1099-1100 |
A letter to the counts of Barcelona |
Arnau Mir of Tost
Almodis of La Marche
Raymond, count of Barcelona
1067, July 27 |
A letter to the monastery of Caramagna |
Immilla of Turin
Monastery of Caramagna
1074, February 24 |
A letter to the monks of Sainte Foy |
Adela of England, Countess of Blois
Monks of Sainte Foy
1107, July 3 |
A letter to the Public |
Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders
1097 |
A letter to the Public |
Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders
c.1113 |
A letter to the Public |
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne
1217, November |
A letter to the Senate of Rome |
Roman Senate
534 |
A letter to the seneschal of Carcassonne |
Marguerite of Provence
The Seneschal of Carcassonne
1256, March/April |
A letter to Theodora |
Empress Theodora
530's |
A letter to William Baltugat and Matilda |
Guillelma of Montpellier
Bernard Ato VI
William Baltugat
1172 |
A letter to William Folc |
Raymond IV, count of Pallars
Valencia of Tost
William Folc
1079, December 5 |
A letter to William Gil of Marcelaco |
Guillelma of Montpellier
William Gil of Marcelaco
1167 |
A letter to William of Montpellier |
Beatrice of Melgueil
Bernard Pelet
William of Montpellier
1149, July |
A letter to William of Montpellier |
Beatrice of Melgueil
Bernard Pelet
William of Montpellier
1145 |